The Register of Unstable Burials

Greetings from beyond the grave!

I love saying that. In the meantime, I suppose you're here to look at the Register of Unstable Burials. In that case, I'd like to make you a proposition. For the privilege of viewing this rare and arcane volume of curious lore, perhaps you would be willing to tell me a ghost story of your own.

If you think you might have been haunted by a ghost but aren't sure, here is a list of apparitional characteristics for you to read. Or you can just read the Real-Life Ghost Stories contained in the Register. Otherwise, just proceed below and tell me about your haunting experience, omitting no details.

I prefer real ghost stories, but it's all right if it happened to your friend or your aunt or someone other than you. The Registrar will post your real life ghost story in the Register of Unstable Burials, but only if deemed authentic enough for inclusion...

Your name:
City: , State: Country:
Tell me your real life ghost story:


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