The Castle Arcana Ghostbook:

A Register of Unstable Burials

The ghosts of Castle Arcana used to let you leave your own ghost stories on this page. But so many young humans were confused about what a ghost story is that we had to stop doing this. The young humans thought that haunting experiences only happen in bathrooms and involve matters too gruesomely human for us ghosts to have any taste for. And the young male humans! you don't even want to know what preoccupations color their so-called 'ghost' stories. So, if you actually have a real ghost story, about an actual ghost or haunted place, feel free to send it to us and the Registrar will post it for you. Otherwise, enjoy the real life ghost stories. You will find that some of these stories are very scary...

I was driving to my home in the country one night after working late at the office. I was very tired, but obviously not asleep. I heard very clear the distinct sound of my name being whispered twice from the back seat. It was not a soft whisper, it was spoken with more force that a whisper told to pass along a secret. I foolishly turned completely around to look in the back seat to see nothing. I was immediately drawn from my investigation by the sound of my tires rolling from the pavement and onto the grassy shoulder.

After the chills subsided, the hair on my neck laid back down, and I regained my breath, I assured myself that it could have only been a product of my own imagination. About two more miles down the road I heard it again. This time I quickly glanced into the rearview mirror and caught view of an apparition. It was clearly not human because of the slightly transparent and smokey texture it was comprised of, but clearly had humanistic characteristics. I could tell that it was a young male. It appeared to have dark hair and thin build. It then quickly uttered another name before disappearing. Ben..........

I got home, and didn't sleep a wink. I got up and watched TV. My wife heard the TV and came to ask me what was the matter. I was still so shocked that I couldn't bring myself to mention the happening. The following morning, which was a Saturday, I thought I'd drive back towards the office and slowed down around the general area that all of this happened. It was then that I noticed a little cross on the side of the road, simply marked, "Benjamin". I had never noticed the marker, either because of my usual preoccupation with work related thought or the fact that the road is fairly dangerous and you would be more likely to be looking for oncoming traffic around its sharp curves and hills. I just wanted to share my experience with everyone else who has been witness to a similar occurance. Take care Charlie
Charlie Okra <anonymous>
USA - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 12:41:49 (EDT)

K, well i had my first seance spetember 9th, about a month ago. Yet, i still remeber it very well. So it started when my friend took out her ouiji board, so we tried it and it wasn't working. Then we started to give up, about five minutes later, i said for us to start again. We did and my other friend that was there knew a girl that had recenly died of cancer, so I thought she might come to answer some things on the ouiji board. Then i noticed sensing lots of beings comeing, and there were a few. This girl was included, along with some of my other friends' realtives, I was surpirzed how many ghosts came, though i was mostly communicating with this girl. I felt it was very important to my friend that knew her.

There were 6 people participating in the seance, though only me and my other friend (not the one who knew the girl) were the only ones really communicating with the ghosts. So when i saw the girl i described what she looked like and what she was wearing and that was the description of what she actaually did look like. I even knew what she was wearing the day my friend saw her last (green ambecrombie shorts, glasses, ect..). She told me that what was written in her obituary was true, but she didn't tell me it was what was in her obitary, i told my friend what she was saying and then she said that, that is what is in her obituary (something written about the person after they have died by someone close). So what she communicated to me was that everyone should smile, and the thing that is in her obituary is that people should remeber her be4 she got ill with cancer, and that she was not the cancer thats not who she was it was just a detail in life, and they should remeber her for what she was like when she was healthy. Then i noticed a sharp pain in my right upper arm, and i told my friend and she said that during one of the operations her friends right arm was paralized. Then I noticed she had a bald spot on the top of her head, and then my friend said that she had an operation in fifth grade, that caused that.

While i was doing this my other friend was bawling and crying loudly. I asked her what was wrong, and she said and my other friend beside her said that she was seeing her grandfather die. This was true, and she was also telling my friend about her grampa. Then I felt a pain in my right thumb, and a different person that was there said that the last day they both saw the girl that died, she broke it, and it wasn't that long ago, and she said that there was still something wrong with her thumb. It hurt every time she bent it, and when she had to write for school it hurt too.Then shortly after the seance she told me that her thumb didn't hurt anymore, and it still does not. The ending when all of the ghosts left, my friend had a black out and could not remeber anything at all (about her grampa's death or anything), it soon came back to her but only bits and pieces. Right before she did black out, she said that darkness was comeing and she became very frightend and cried even more. Yet, for me the experience didn't include any trama, all the ghosts left repeating details in life, not who we truely are, details in life, details in life... details in lfe, and they were all gone.

When I looked at the clock nearly two and a half hours went by. I was very tired, and didn't get any sleep the whole night, i had to keep thinking about what happened, i did and felt better, i still can't explain how this works, the connection with spirites, ghosts, and humans, and if it is only possible with certain people or that all humans can find it within themselves, I do not know. But, that is my story, i hope you got something out of it. :)
Denise <>
USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 17:37:25 (EDT)

In 1992, on Christmas break, my roommate Russ and I had come back to our fraternity house very late at night and headed for our bedroom. Russ's bed was by a window, and mine was by the bedroom entrance. We went to sleep and around 3 am we awoke to someone banging on the bedroom door. When I opened it no one was there. We went back to sleep, after checking the outside doors and all the bedrooms. The 18 room house was empty except for our room, at the time because everyone had left for the break.

About ten minutes later, another loud banging noise came from the door, we both jumped up and checked the door. No one was there. We propped the door open with a 150 pound barbell, then went back to sleep, thinking someone had come back to the house early from break and was just messing around. We then awoke to the door being slammed, and the barbell was pushed out into the living room about 10 feet. We then heard someone running up the attic stairs, then walking along the floor/ceiling. There is only one way up to the attic (3rd floor). We then both grabbed golf clubs and headed up the stairs to see what was going on.

The attic was totally empty, and there are no rooms up there , only storage space. The windows had been painted shut. Then something began to stink like sulfer, and we ran back downstairs and locked the bedroom door. Nothing else happened all night. Similar things happened for the next four years while we lived there. All around the THanksgiving/Christmas holidays.
Jim <>
Cape Girardeau, MO USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 17:27:06 (EDT)


A few years back when I was living on campus it happened. I had not yet heard of any ghost stpories about the school nor had I been drinking or doing anything that could make me dream of something like this. It was a long weekend geting close to Thanksgiving break. I was in New Hampshire at the time. I was the only one staying in the room that weekend. Everyone had gone home for the weekend and all of them had made their beds before leaving. I had all the lights off and the room was complatly secured. I had gone to sleep around 11PM after coming back from working that night. I got into bed and the lights were out. In the middle of the night I woke up, but not from dreaming. It was very cold in the room and I had thrown the covers off during my sleep. I sat up, grabbed the covers to cover myself again and noticed one of my room mates beds had some one sleeping in it with the covers completly covering them. It was my room mates bed that was directly across from me. I went back to sleep thinking that the room mate had come back to stay the night.

I woke up the next morning. I sat up looked across the room and saw my room mates bed not only empty but the bed clothes were moved around on the bed like someone had been sleeping there all night and had gotten up. I immediately went to check the door and the door was locked and the lgiths were all out. The next day when my room mates came back from being at home I asked them all if they had come back the night before and left early before I woke up and they all said no. After that night I never slept in the room by myself or with the lights out. I also soon learned that there were other people who left the school because of similar situations that had occured to them with ghosts, in different parts of the building.
A Friend <>
Boston, MA USA - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 20:08:21 (EDT)

Me and my wife went to the Grand Canyon for a weekend, Its very hot in Phoenix were we live and the Grand Canyon was much cooler so we decided to cool off there. We rented a room at the Holiday inn express, that night the weather was breezy and a low in the 40s. Perfect sleeping weather with the window open. So i opened the window after dinner and watched tv untill 10:30pm. We were tired and went to sleep with no problems, Later that night I heard a noise that sounded like a Indian howling like a wolf, you can tell the voice was human. The wind calmed down and I ntice the clock radio said 3am. I tried to ignore the howling noise and went back to sleep. Then i heard the tv crackling on the tv stand, I opened my eyes and I saw a perfect white orb moving obove my wifes beb, it was the size of a softball. It started at the foot of her bed and moved to the head and ten vanished. I some how sence its related to the howling noise. the noise quit after the white orb vanished.
Dave Hare <>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 23:39:43 (EDT)

ST.PETERSBURG, FL USA - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 19:19:04 (EDT)


When I was around 10 or so I had a very strange experience. My family and I lived in a big house that had 4 bedrooms, my parents slept downstairs and my brothers rooms were upstairs across the hallway from my room. My room was the biggest room up there. It took up the whole half of the house. I really loved this room. It had really pretty wallpaper that was at that time, was antique. It was really sweet. Nothing even remotely scarey or creepy about this room.

One night we all went ot bed. Sometime in the night I woke up and at the foot of my bed there was a woman standing there holding what looked like a baby in her arms. She was wearing a long gown with one of those hoops that were fasionable at the begining of the century. The baby was fussing while she tried to comfort it. Startled I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus on what I was seeing. The harder I focused the harder it was to see what exactly it was.

Needless to say I was a little unnerved. What was that I saw? Did I really see anything? I thought that I was dreaming. A few days later I was at my aunts house,we were chating and I told her of what I thought was a dream. I described in some detail the womans dress and that the infant seemed to be very ill. The woman had a sad feeling about her. My aunt looked at me and asked me if I had been talking to my uncle, who loved to tease little kids. She thought he had told me a story and that my imagination was playing tricks on me. She told me that nothing happened and that I was just dreaming. Later that evening my great-aunt came to my aunt house for dinner and my aunt told her the story. My greataunt told me that I relly could have seen a ghost because a very long time ago a young family lived there. The couple had many children but all of the babies died before their first birthday! The mother went away and the father hung himself in our attic!
Diana <>
Rock Port, MO USA - Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 15:02:01 (EDT)

About 14 years ago my Mother,Daughter and I had just returned home from a shopping trip. I was went to the kitchen while my mother and daughter went to the livingroom. Mother was sitting in the rocker brushing my daughters hair. My Mother called to me inquiring where I was. I was confused by her request, asking why? She asked, if I was standing in the hallway. I responded, NO, but why was she asking. She then said if you're not in the hall then who is? At that same time I heard my daughter ask, "Grandma who's that man?" From the kitchen I ask mom where he was and she said, he's standing on the otherside of the kitchen wall. Not really being afraid, but,a bit, wary I asked my mom to let me know when he had gone so I could come out.We talked after this stranger had left and my mother said she didn't feel any menace from are unwelcomed guest. Our home has senced been visited by other shadows but nothing else.
Mary <>
La Habra, CA USA - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 20:04:04 (EDT)

One night, I was out putting the trash out when I felt something against my back. I turned to see what it was, and there was nothing there. so I turned to go back inside,and i seen something in the corner of my eye. I saw a soft, powdery form in the corner of my eye, and it seemed like it was werling around me so fast....... and then it disappeared. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life.
Jen <>
Surrey, Canada - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 01:46:06 (EDT)

My grandfather passed away in the house I live in 4 1/2 years ago. one night I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw him watching me sleep. he noticed me looking at him, he turned around and walked down the hall, turned back at me, then he walked through the wall into my grandmothers side of the house. I live in a duplex. My parents and I on one side, then my grandmother on the other. My sister lives 2 streets over in her own apartment and she said she had dreamed this happening. weird hugh. it's unexplainable. My grandmother used to cry and tell us how she wakes up in the middle of the night and she says that my grandfather is laying up against her and she has to tell him to moveover.....
Unknown <>
everett, ma USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 15:34:27 (EDT)

Seems when I was thirteen my family and I lived in a haunted house. One night, as i lay in bed talking on the phone with a friend, I heard a strange noise coming from the area of the back door.Now my bedroom had two doors on it,one faces the back hallway and back door the other going towards my parents room.My first thought was that one of my brothers was coming in the back door heading upstairs to his room,but wait neither of them were home

.I kept talking and pushed the sound out of my mind.Then I heard foot stpes in the room above mine...remember my brothers were not home.All I could do was sit up and stare at my open door.All of the sudden I saw a white"thing" go through the hall to the back door and herad the back door open.I was finally able to move so I ran through the other door and jumped in the bed between my parents.My father jumped up asked me what was wrong,I told him someone came in and out the back door.He said they couldn't, "I locked the dead bolt on it before I came to bed" and got up to check it out.Sure enough the door was wide open.You couldn't unlock the door from the outside you had to unlock it from the inside.

The next day while dad and I were outside in the work shop/garage,we noticed a double edged ax wedged under one of my window sills,the one right behing where the head of my bed was located......ummm needless to say,we moved out of that house shortly after that night.
G. Phillips <>
Weatherford, Tx USA - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 15:55:16 (EDT)

My name is Heidi Pearson and I live in Westminster Colorado. I'm 22 years old. Anyway the true experience I had took place about a two years ago. I was sleeping one night in my room on a waterbed that I recently bought. What I thought was a dream was not. My Grandmother passed away not to long ago, and we had a special bound, but what I'm about to tell you is the special bound that brought us closer togeather then ever. One night I was sleeping or so I thought when I heard my Grandmother's voice say, " you need to go now" Over and over again she said this. I awoke up in a cold sweat thinking it was a dream intill I realized that my waterbed was moving as someone was sitting one the edge of the bed and suddenly left the room. So of course I thoght nothing of it intill I became very ill, and could not stop vomiting. In the moring I went to the doctors and they digonsed me with Toxic Shock syndrome. The doctor told me to get to the hosipital right away my veins where collapseing and my heart rate was at a dangerous low. When I got to the Hosipital they told me that if I didn't go I would of been dead with in minutes. So I believe that my Grandmother sent me a message that saved my life. I now believe she is my guarden angle. Sometimes when I'm really upset I can smell a strong order of roses, which where her favorite flowers. So remember If you lost a loved one always remember they are there no matter what, in life and also in death.
Heidi Pearson <Heidi.Pearson@Levelcom>
westminster, CO USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 20:56:08 (EDT)

I'm 12 and when we first moved into this house were in now i kept hearing someone talking and saying good night and saying my name, well one night it went to far and freaked me out i burst into tears and ran to the bathroom but before i got there somethig caught my eye in my step brothers room whos 11 there was about three figures and they were dressed in all black and they seemed to float off the ground i didn't believe it, but the next day my step brother said he saw it too and the next night when the voices started talking to me again i talked back and told them to leave me alone, and i haven't heard them since
Jackie <>
Victoria, B.C Canda - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 15:05:31 (EDT)

I have a friend who lives in a haunted house. She has seen a older gentleman in the house on many occasions and even her children. Last year when they went on vacation I was asked to house sit which I love to do. One night I was in bed and was having a hard time sleeping. When I finally dose off I woke into a half sleep state and to my surprise standing by the window was a shape of an older gentleman,he went to sit down on the chair and when he did he was gone again. I now truly beleive in the here after because many a times I have been visited by may of my decesed friends who I miss so many times.
Barbara A. Puzycki <>
East Haven, CT USA - Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 10:43:51 (EDT)

Late one night everyone was in bed asleep, I however was having a lot of trouble dozing off, when all of the sudden I started to hear a women crying. I rel relized that the srying was coming from the living room area, so I got up and went in to check out where it was coming from, as I did so I first checked on all my children whom were all fast asleep. I went into the living room and satdown in a chair and the crying stsrted again however everytime I got out of the chair it would stop again. This went on all night,only one night.I'm not sure why this happened but 2 days later my stepfather came to visit whom we hadn't seem or spoke to since my mother pass away. Along with him he brought his new wife.
Connie Holt
Interlachen, fl USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 20:04:38 (EDT)

the day my father passed away i was not at home...i had stayed at my girlfriends that night. i awoke startleed, there at the edge of the bed was my dad..all he said was...EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE O.K
gena <>
delta, canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 11:30:39 (EDT)

Which story do I tell? There is so many.... Here's a quick one. This was when I was living at my mom's house still. I was in the main bathroom tending to the washer. Next to that bathroom is the hallway. Next to THAT is my parent's bedroom. The door was open, so I was able to see inside. My mother was in there at the time. I saw some sort of black mist hanging in the air and it descended a little. I called to my mom and told her that I saw the mist and whomever went into that room would have something bad happen to them. Well, later I forgot all about it and went into that room later to get something. A few days later I was driving to my class. there was a lot of traffic and the street was just horrible. Just to say, I got into a car crash. I totalled my mom's car. My mother later asked me if I remembered about what I said about the room....
Crystal <>
Bernalillo, NM USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 00:57:17 (EDT)

I can't say this is really a ghost story because I don't know that it is a ghost. You be the judge. My husband and I bought this older fixer upper house 3 years ago. Before we bought it was the neighborhood gang hangout. There was graffiti on the fireplace and blood on the closet doors. We've refinished the house. Sometimes when I'm alone in the house I hear doors opening and closing. Our doors are old enough to squeek. I can actually hear footsteps in the attic and on the roof sometimes and these are not animal. I was talking to aa friend on the phone one day after my husband left for work at 5am. I heard scratching noises in the attic and footsteps. One day my sister and I was sitting at the kitchen table. We were alone and we saw the door to my laundry room opened and actually closed by itself. Is it a ghost or the house settling? You tell me!
TX USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 22:23:11 (EDT)

Since I first moved into the house I live in now when I was 4 years old, we have shared our home with more than one ghost. On many ocasions I have woken up to see a man standing at the end of my bed. That man I'm sure is the same one our guests have seen standing, or walking around in the living room or kitchen. I believe the land our house ( and the surrounding houses) to be built on some kind of battle ground. A couple of years ago we had some native sweepers come into our home to see if they could rid us of our pesky inhabitants. To our utmost surprise and horror, we found that we had a porthole or votex in our bathroom, there was an old lady in our pantry( which explains the strange spectacles my mother sees, because the pantry and her closet are beside eachother), our cat supposedly had an entity in her, and lastly, also the scarriest, is there was an entity living in the center of my bed. After the sweepers were done things seemed to get better for a while. . . Now, things are acting up but in a more of a disturbing manner. The sweepers told us there was a battle on this ground, but I didn't know that. A friend and I were outside on the back porch when you could literly see the energy from these people. They seemed to be watching us. It got so unnerving we had to go inside, where to our displeasure they were inside aswell( I understand if this sounds too concocted but I assure you, It all happened and is still happening) I have a few psychic friends and I myself am psychic, I'm sure that has something to do with being able to see these things . . .obviously!!! anyway needless to say that night was not very relaxing. Things have gotten so uncomfortable here that I don't stay at home at night anymore. Believe me I don't enjoy having to leave my beautiful home just because of this but, frankly I'm too damned scared. Maybe if there is anyone out there who could help me I would really apreciate it. thank-you so much and happy halloween
medieva <>
chwk, bc canada - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 20:43:59 (EDT)

it was late at night i had just moved in to this place close to a so called haunted grave where this lady supposedly killed a bunch of her family and anyone that comes around her grave something bad would happen, so i was sleeping then i hears a noise comming from down stairs and walked down stairrs to see what it wwas i couldnt see anything so i turned the light on but for some odd reason it went out and i couldnt see a thing but the next day it worked fine, well anyways i heard a knock at the door buut when i answered it no one was there so i closed the door and locked but as i heard another knock i didn't answer i watched the door handle move and locks un lock themselves and the door flung open and in the screen door i seen a imprint of a young girl looking about 32 in a white night gown and a knife stabed threw her chest stairing at me i turned around to yell and get my grandma but as i turned back to look at it... the lady was gone and the light was back on
missy <>
south sioux city, neb USA - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 17:30:19 (EDT)

There are many ghost stories that have been told to me by my grandmother and my mom. I have also had my own experences with ghosts. The first story to come to mind is one my grandmother told me that my great-grandmother experienced. When my great-grandma was young, there were two men in her town that got into a fight and one killed the other. My great-grandma was one of the people that help dressed the body of the dead man. They laid the body in the living room and my great-grandma was sleeping upstairs. Suddenly she woke up for no aparent reason and she saw the ghost of the dead man downstairs. Now my great-grandma stayed calm and she asked the ghost, "What in Jesus name do you want?" and the ghost said, "You parted my hair on the wrong side." So my great-grandma went downstairs and fixed his hair and the ghost never returned. Now when my great-grandma died, she was very sick before and was in the hospital for a long while. Right before she died, the doctors said that she was doing a lot better and could go home within the next day. Well one of my great-aunts was in her kitchen and she got a wierd feeling and called the hospital. She talk to one of my other great-aunts. My great-aunt at the hospital was really happy because my great-grandma was going to get to come home and my other great-aunt that called said, "No sister she isn't going to come home." and my great-aunt said, "Why?" and the other said, "Because mother is standing in my kitchen." The next stories I am going to tell you happened to my mother and my grandmother. When my mother was young her step-father shot himself in the head. A little while later, my mother was a sleep in bed and then she just woke up and she saw her step-father with on hand covering his bullet wound and the other streched out to touch her cheek. Well she screamed and he disappeared. Then a while later at night my grandma heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the she felt something grab her arm and let go and she knew that it was Charles saying goodbye. The last story I am going to tell you is a story that happened to me. When I was young, I used to wake up and look at my door and see a white man walking toward me. He never would get to me because I would either sit up and he would disapear or I would just roll over and ignore him, but he would come often.
Amy Harris <>
Greenville , SC USA - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 12:30:57 (EDT)

I was 5 years old the first time I saw a ghost. It happend one night as my sisters and I were sleeping in our bedroom. I woke up suddenly out of a dead (no pun intended) sleep to find a glowing white figure standing by our closet door. I was little, and didn't know any better, so I got up to see who it was. As I reached the door, the thing jumped at me. I fell back into the bed screaming. I sat up to see where it went, and I saw it sort of dive under the bed I was sitting on. I freaked out. I woke up the whole house. My mom and dad came running in to see what had happened. I told them, but they didn't believe me. My mom told me it was a dream. I insisted that it wasn't. I remembered waking up and seeing it standing there. She has since changed her tune. I'm not the only one who sees weird things in this house!
Annonymous <>
Girard, OH USA - Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 08:12:23 (EDT)

well i am a rebel let me tell u .its a long story just that i hang out at the bridge and spray paint it. and i had a mini bike on which i would take on long rides. theirs this old cemetary on which i would go and sit.during the afternoon when i had no job for a time being . i would look at the graves and say man theses theses things are old!1779 is old and 1912 is titanic dates but any way i used too just go their in the afternoon when i was resting my mini bike motor and the dogs i barely made it past before the grave yard thats a nother story once agian.well i met my girl friend a few months later and shes a girl that looks like she should have been from another period . like the nights of armour days. and she likes too do cool things so one night i told her about hachet man road which has a tale of the green man. it s the road across from the cemetary on which this tale is night she was sitting their with her blond hair thats long and and her sexy eyes lookin for adventure so she just got her mustang only a year earlyier and want too take me for a drive so what do u think i say hell ya!!!!!!lets go!!!! but i told her that i wanted too stop buy this cemetary and take pictures with my mom s poleroid camera too try and catch a ghost on film. well it was about 11:30 pm at night as we crept down the hole filed bump filled with holes. we got to the cemetary within 20mins and pulled too the side of the road. and after watchin a number of scary stories on film we didnt want too shut the car of thinkin it wouldnt u know start.BUT we did and plus its cool too be in the car with a sexy girl at night trust me.well we both glared at the cemetary theirs a old creepy metal gate around it and also a bunch of really old pine trees around it too.we got the camera ready and waited hopeing for something! and we were listening too black sabbath too make it just a little creepier. then out of no we seen a glare from behind a tomstone and we both couldnt talk i said start the dam car!!!!!!!lets get out of here and un like the movies the car started but i said hold on let me try and get a picture she said ok this is scary!!!!!! so i clicked the shot and we started to pull away slowlly when i was complaing about chest cramps that hurt so bad i almost had too make her stop the car.~!as we got down the road it started too go away and my girl friend said u take the picture of what happened i said yes but to my dismay!!! the picture didnt take at all !!!!!! i was mad and didnt know why my chest hurt so bad when i was takeing the photo and that it was all picture to show any one and i talk too my neibor about what happened the next day. the grave plot i was takeing a picture of or in the directin i was takeing the photo was a man that he heard in 1919got crushed in the chest by a falling tree during a storm he was killed. that was something then i thought it was strange that i had chest pains whaen i was takeing the picture maybe .......... by chance something pissed this ghost off by bothering him at rest and takein a picture too boot . i think ill leave him a lone and well go other places too take pictures u think sounds like a good idea too ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! well thats it i didnt write it out well but thats what happened thank u for takein the time too lend me an ear.and kor them agian lol. daniel
Daniel Andreatta <Muffat>
west farminton, ohio USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 19:05:34 (EDT)

that happened to me when i was about ten years old. one night i was reading in my room and i heard this noise. i looked up and there was nothing unusual so i continued reading.after a while i turned out the light. i didn't need the covers that night. it was a very warm summer night. somewhere around 90 degrees, i think. just as i was dozing off i heard that same noise again. i switched on the light and looked around. nothing. so i turned the light off again. then, suddenly, it became cold. i turned the light back on quickly. it got colder. so cold that i could see my breath. i went to my closet to get my quilts. i had about three of them in there. when i opened the door, they were gone. then when i turned around, i saw my lamp go flying across the room. then the light went out. i saw this movement about ten feet away from me. it wasn't like a human movement, though. it was more like a...a fox. very swift and stealthy. it flew staight toward me. i grabbed a baseball bat and yelled at it. i swung and missed. it came at me again. i dropped the bat and stared in absolute terror as it closed in. then, just as it was inches from my face, it got warm in my room again. i looked in my closet. the quilts were back. i went to my bed and i stayed there until morning. i kept my eyes shut tight and my ears covered. and i even stayed under the blanket, dispite the heat. THE END
James <>
NJ USA - Monday, August 21, 2000 at 10:58:45 (EDT)

well this is not my story its my moms cuz i was a baby when it happen... well a lady across the street had died and my family was eating dinner they heard a pic of my sis fall to the ground then my dad heard a baby crying he rushed to the crib as he looked in the crib he saw black marks all around me they led up the wall and at the top right before the black marks had ended their were blood marks!! my Dad told our neighbor and asked what the lady was wearing when she died he daid a black dress!!!:(
Ashleigh <>
mesquite, TX USA - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 18:36:29 (EDT)

One night when I went to bed it was so dark out and i kept hearing this creaking sound!My window was open because it was hot,and i could see the garden from my window,we always had a scarecrow out there to scare the birds away,but that night it was not there i kept thinking it was just there 20 minutes ago where could have it gone?Then i heard the sound again it sounded like someone walking on stilts.I looked out my window again and there on the porch lie the scarecrow!I kept stareing and thinking my dad probably laid it there for tonite,but as i kept watchind it,it winked.I was so scared then it became quiet and I heard the stilts sound again!when I looked out my window I let out a scream,a scream that made my mother come rushing in there stood the scarecrow at my window!My mom just said your father probably set it there.i tried to tell her no,but she just said no your in one of those spooky moods,then she left the room it became quiet again,i heard it grunt.By then I was scared half to death i hide under my covers and waited,after a while i looked out the scarecrow was not there it was in the garden!I was still a little bit freaked but after a wile i fell asleep!Ever since that night nothing strang has happen only that one night!so BEWARE it could happen to you
Michelle <>
Callery, P.a. USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 13:18:22 (EDT)

Last weekend I went to stay with my cousins for a few days, in Greenville, SC. Well that Saturday night we wentup to "The poinset bridge". It is actually a historical bridge, but it has a ledgen behind it. When they were building it in the 1800's, when slaves would die while making the bridge they would put their bodies in the bridge while making it. Well, a while after that this young couple was making-out on the bridge and something cut their heads off. So now when you go there you will see some messed-up things. When we went there it was myself my 3 cousins and a friend. Well, my friend and I have never been and so we were slightly scared. Than when we got there we started to smell a graveyard. Like mildewed dirt mix with dead. Than while passing it ping on the window and couldn't say anthing! After we passed it he finally said why he was tapping. He said sonething wasn't letting him talk. He tried but nothing was coming out! Than when we turned around and had to pass it again to go home, we passed a police car. Than our windsheild start to get so fogged up that we couldn't see where we were driving. Next thing we know we saw someone or something writing C J... my cousin wipped it off before it finished. Than we saw another cop car this time with search lights and another Jeep, cop car that could go threw the woods. We knew someone was missing because police NEVER go there. What happened? I really wanna know.
Ashley <>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 19:08:47 (EDT)

A few days ago, I was with some friends and we were playing this game called "Black Cat". Everyone sat linked hand in hand in the circle with the lights out. I was in the middle. I chanted" One day I was walking down the dark street. I saw a Black cat. It scratched me on the arms and it scratched me on the back" two times. While I said that, I had to vision it actually happening. When we turned on the lights, we looked for scratches on my arms and back, but there were none. All of a sudden, long red scratches appeared on the top of my left arm. It was really scary, but they didn't hurt. A few minutes later, they dissapeared. It was really really weird.
Nicole Ceera'
USA - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 17:18:16 (EDT)

every year, my family goes 2 deep-creek-lake. Now there have been stories told about deep-creek-lake: For instance...this one time at band camp... no im jk. ok but seriously, this one time a family of 4 went up to dcl for a nice weekend...but it didn't turn out so nice. they went out one night on the erie, still, foggy, chilly, lake to catch some frogs. they were sitting out on their boat for about an hour, when they noticed some bubbles appearin from about 30 ft away. so they thought it was a frog and decided to go over and try to catch it. the boat slowly made its way over there. sudenly the bubbles stopped abd something that looked like old rags crunched together and beneath was a rotted old and moldy faced appeared on the top of the water...

the family started to panic and scream! one of the 2 children stood up and fell over the side of the boat.. the mother didn't relize wha was goin on because she was in shock of what they haad found. the child wasn't a very good swimmer. he tried to stay above the water. the dad and the other child looked over and the being was gone. they boy who was in the water suddenly got pulled under. the family tried to save him.. the dad even jumped in the water to find him but he was no where to be seen. so that night the parents reported it to the police. the police said that they would go out and look for him and soon as posible. so that late night/ early morning around 2:30 the police went out to look for the lost boy. the family told the police what happened and the police never found any bodys so they thought that the family wasn't tellin the truth.

about a year later when my family went up there we out on the lake to catch some crayfish at about 9:30 at night. we were doin pretty good havein alotta fun until we heard something violently screamin and slashiin through the water. we looked up and there was a sort of cloacked figure struggleing w/ a little boy, tieing some sort of rag around his mouth so he couldn't breath. while this was goin on my sister started to panic and i told her to just sit there and watch, while the rest of my family was pretty much in shock. and then the little boy stopped struggeling and plumited into the water. then the cloaked being stared into my eyes and i forgot about where i was and what i was doin. i suddenly saw everything that the ghost has done in his after-life. he tossed some sort of locket that had a picture in it but i couldn't make out what it was, but i still have it w/ me right now. ever since i brought it home i've been having these dreams of me bein out in the water w/ the cloaked bein and he reaches out to me and i take his hand and then he pulls me under. after that i wake up sweatin and in a panic. i've been havin the same dream since the locket has been w/ me. i tried to get rid of it by throwin it in a lake near my house bu twhen i got home it was sitting on my dresser!! i don't no what to say but im tellin the truth and need help! i told my parents but they think im crazy;they don't seem to remember what happened that night... its like there memory got erased. they've been makin me see a therapist. i can't take it n e more.. ppl think im crazy .. and i can't get away from these dreams and the locket. someone please help........
Rena Barker <fredlover215>
Pokey Oaks, Ma USA - Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 10:43:25 (EDT)

One night, my friend, my step brothers, and my dad were playing with a Ouija Board. They were talking to someone named Oz. He could read their thoughts and he proved he was real. Anyway, I didn't really like Ouija Boards. I was sitting in the living room with the phone in my hand. I looked by the door and I saw a tall dark figure with no eyes and bony hands standing there. It pointed at me and the phone flew out of my hands to the kitchen and hit the back door. I screamed and the figure disappeared. I was so scared I was crying and everything. My dad, my friend, and my step brothers came out of the room and asked what was wrong. When I told them they didn't believe me. Then they were playing with the Ouija Board again and talking to Oz. They asked what he looked like and he discribed himself exactly the way I had. Then they told me that he had left for about 5 to 10 minutes and thats when I had screamed. I don't think they really believed me but it really happened.
Tia <>
Moses Lake, Wa USA - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 19:42:01 (EDT)

I got home from work one dark night, just after Christmas. There was frost on the ground and the sky was perfectly clear, with bright stars. I was standing there waiting for my dog to get out of the car too, when I felt or heard something above my head. I looked up, and a large black shape, maybe five feet wide, was slowly passing about fifteen feet over my head. I could see the light of a distant streetlight shining off the front edge of thing, creature, whatever; and it's body blocked the stars from my vision. It seemed like a heavy object. I looked at it for about 15 seconds before it passed into the darkness. It didn't flap like a bird. Maybe a really giant black owl with a bad attitude? Maybe unknown things live in the night sky...
nowyat <>
OR USA - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 02:24:46 (EDT)

When I was 18 years old I went to work at my first "real" job. I was hired as a clerical employee of a very old southern private college...Limestone College in Gaffney, SC. The college is very old, like I said and VERY haunted! I moved into an apartment complex across the street, which was not quite as old as the college, but you must remember the entire college campus had once been camp to Confederate and Union soldiers in the Civil War. I am not a physic, but I "feel" things. You know, like the hairs on my neck stand up when something not of this world is near Anyway, this apartment was any 18 year olds dream...only at 3:00 am the hot water in my sink came on...I had maintence come and put in totally new plumbing...still every night my water came on. I knew of course that my apartment was haunted, but it wasn't a "bad" haunt. One night when the water came on, it really made me mad! I jumped up and yelled..."Hey! I don't care for you to use the water...just turn it off when you're done! Better yet, use it when I'm not home!" After I turned off the water, I went back to bed. My water never came back on in the middle of the night. This is an absolutely true story! Amy
Amy <>
Gaffney, SC USA - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 00:28:30 (EDT)

David <Davidesg 13>
Houston, Tx USA - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 02:15:06 (EDT)

i was about 3 or 4 when my grandfather died but i can still remeber going to his house and playing with him and he took very fond of me and treated me as if i was his own. i was watching some old video footage my dad took alone in my dads room at night when it came to some video of me and my grandfather playing in the back yard together and then both of us falling asleep and i was in his lap as a baby. i started to cry when it was almost over and decided to go to sleep. i cried myself to sleep and that night i had an odd dream. it was a very comforting dream and it was sorta a fuzzy white place and i saw visions of me and my grndfather wheni was little but it wasen was happy. i relized the warm fuzzness was him telling me not to cry and that he loved me. now when i think of him its not sad. its happy cuz i know he's in a good place and that he is watching me everyday.
Deli <>
Thornton, CO USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 21:19:02 (EDT)

My story takes place in my great grandmother's house. We've always thought it to be haunted because of all the strange noises and occurances there. One day myself, my sister, and my two cousins were considering going into the backroom which we believe to be the most haunted place in the house. We were all standing by the door facing the corner where we could see our shadows. Four shadows for four people. We turned away from the door to discuss and when we turned back there were five shadows and still only four people. The shadow was an exact image of my great grandmother- short with hair curled tightly against her head. We looked behind us to see if anyone had walked up, but no one was there. I guess Grandma Dodie must have been there with us that day. The house has now been sold to a family friend and turned into a bed and breakfast. I guess if you're looking for a night of scares, that's the place to go.
Deann W. <>
Ft. Worth, TX USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 14:07:09 (EDT)

This was some odd twenty years ago and i was in my first year of marriage We lived in the south , homes were old. The home we rented was an old farmhome with no indoor priviliges. So just as we were retiring for the nite a sound like a metal tub hitting concrete and twirling like a coin was so loud the windows vibrated.We were so startled we didn't know what to do. So we went to the back porch and found nothing.The next nite the sound was louder, so loud it was deafening. We asked the neighbors if they heard anything but all we got for an answer was no.Then the next week our cat starting acting funny ,she would climb our curtains and meow loudly.The next month was April and we were awakened by a tapping on our window. My husband looked out and said aww it was just his cousin Gene playing a Aprils fool joke on us. The next day my husband asked him about it and he said it wasnt him. He was in emergeny room that nite. Three days later he died in a car crash . You better believe we moved in one big hurry.
marge <>
warren, mi USA - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 03:26:11 (EDT)

Have you ever heard of the hanks.Well let me tell u a little bit about it.It is when u can see dead people or talk to them. One night my friend and my friend was chillin and this guy from next came over and he made a no headed man apear on a horse in my room.
Heineken <>
Flora, Ms USA - Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 18:55:10 (EDT)

I have been studying at a college in Pensacola, FL, for the past two and a half years as a commercial art student. Something unnerving occured one night in the residence hall I lived in that still scares me to this day. The story that I am about to relate to you may have been an actual haunting experience or just my overactive imagination. You decide. During my first semester, I lived at the end of the hall on the ninth floor of Young Tower, the tallest building on campus. I roomed with three other guys--Dave, Don, and Jeremy. One night around 11:30, Dave, Jeremy, and I were talking about different things, and we got on the subject of ghosts and supernatural phenomena. We started discussing stories we had heard about ghosts haunting different buildings on campus. One of the stories went like this: Around three years ago, a promising music major had begun going to school at the college I attended. This guy loved playing the piano and was constantly practicing. One day, in Young Tower, he died. He simply collapsed in his room and died from heart failure. It was a shock to all his friends and the people who knew him. The night after he died, his roomates heard something that caused them to request a room in a different building. They heard the sound of a piano playing. Now, when I heard that story I was a little skeptical. It sounded like the typical ghost story to scare unsuspecting freshman. But one night later on in the semester, we were talking again, and suddenly we all stopped. Faintly, through the ventilation system we could hear the sound of a piano playing. We were scared out of our wits. Was the dead music major playing his music as he did in his life? Was it someone's CD player? Or just our imaginations? We will never know.
Brian Weaver <>
Burlington, MA USA - Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 01:51:37 (EDT)

I work at a medium size nursing home. Anyway one day I was clearing up the dinning room when I turned around to take a tray from a coworker. And I saw what looked like a skeleton wearing a black top hat and long black cape sitting at one of the tables.. Later that day the lady that sat acroos from what ever it was I saw died quiet suddenly. She had not been ill jut old and not able to be on her own any more. I have never seen this thing since and I hope I never see it again. One time was too many for me.
Marsha <>
Bourbonnais, IL USA - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 18:39:59 (EDT)

While living in Virginia Beach a year or so ago, I had my first encounter with a ghost. I had not been living in my new home long when I began to notice that my things would "go missing", only to return some time later in the most unusual of places. (My house keys for instance would be gone from beside the phone,only to be found inside the toaster or microwave.) I assumed that one of my roomates must be playing a joke on me, so I played along for awhile. After a few weeks of this however, I became more than a little annoyed. I confronted my roomates at dinner one evening, much to thier collective dismay. Even though thier denials seemed sincere,I would'nt be convinced until several nights later that this was something more than a prank. One evening just as I was falling asleep,I heard someone calling my name. Again, I asked my roomates only to have them deny that they had called my name late at night. The next evening, I awoke to the sensation of being pulled out of my bed. Not falling out of bed,being PULLED out of bed by unseen hands. I was of course very frightened and confused. Once again the next evening, I was woken from my nightly rest by a loud noise in my bedroom. Upon gaining my bearings in the dark, and letting my eyes adjust to the blackness of the room, I saw a figure standing in the corner closest to my bed! It was a man painted in shadow with no visible features at all, he slowly faded away and became part of the surrounding darkness again. A few days later, I related the story to a friend of mine, who suggested that I simply ask the man to leave my room, and not to move my things again. I did just that, and indeed, the "haunting" seemed to end. No more did the "shadowman" bother me at night. Every once and awhile, however I would hear heavy footsteps in the hall outside my room, and listen as they paused and lingerd in front of my bedroom door. I knew that this was my ghost,and sometimes I even felt a little guilty at having robbed him of his nightly fun!
Ben Layman <>
Ellsworth, me USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 17:34:42 (EDT)

It was cold last night, i was out there since im a witch. very young one. 13 yrs. anyway i was outside. and i heared a whisper as i was holding a stone. it said my name. I thought it was a weirdo trying to do something stupid. i charged magick to defend myself. and all i saw was a faded figure. I ask who are u? it looked at me coldly. i looked back. It came at me faster. but stopped since i was in my circle. it could not attack or whatever it was going to do. It kept staring and waiting, it scared me. but then I stared it down. And then i asked it to leave. It looked at me with strange and dazed look and disapeered. This encounter was real and scary. If u want to get rid of a ghost remember to always be firm and tell it to go away. ghosts are just spirits tied to something emotionally that is why they are so scary and sometimes mean. But usually they will not hurt you remember that.
davidkert <>
CA USA - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 02:24:39 (EDT)

well it was the 29th october in 1995 and i was 12 years old, me and my friends, david bulley,darren my brother,anthony,james and berto were out for the day and we went to a forest called wentwood,we stayed there for a cople of days in our tents camping.On the second day we were all asleep when james woke us up, he said that he could hear something outside in the forest, we got our air rifles and torches and went to have a look.we could not here anything,when we gave up looking we thought james was trying to scare us, but as we were geting into the tent there was a noise like rocks being thrown into a lake and then there were loud footsteps and branches braking.we couldn't see anything,when all of a sudden james shouted over there and when we looked there was a figure of a woman floating above the ground,she was old and grey,and there was white mist all around her coming up from the ground,she had a robe over her shoulders and she started to scream loud horrible sounds and all we could hear was lots of kids and babies sreaming and crying for help.then as quick as she had appeared she disappeared.and everything went silent,for the rest of that night we all took it in turns two at a time to take guard and make sure everyone got some sleep.when we got home the next day and told our parents they didn't beleive us but when we told Mr.Thomas who lived next door to me who was 78 years old he told us a tale about when he was younger,when him and his mates camped out there in the forest and he said they too saw a floating woman and he showed us all a old news paper artical from the 1950's and the old woman we saw in the woods had lived out there years ago and she killed over 150 children,and ever since that day me and none of my mates have ever been back up there.I am now 17 years old and nothing else has happened in wentwood forest since that year only one thing happened that year after we were there a man who was shooting there was found nailed to a tree.And that is a true stroy im not kiding. by chris morgarno.
christopher morgarno <>
newport, st.julians UK - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 13:56:43 (EDT)

two weeks ago my great-grandfather died. i knew he had died before anyone else found out because i had a dream of him coming to me and saying hotdog (that's what he calls me) i am leaving now. he had alzimers. so when i woke up i was surprised that he remembered me. i have high beliefs in dreams and wishes, for i am wiccan. well anyways we (family) recieved a call 4 days later saying he had died. the day after his funeral i had another dream of him. this time he was with my grandma. she has lung cancer. well he told me not to be upset because grandma may be leaving too. she went to the docotor, had surgery, the cancer spread. they give her a little more time to live. Freaky, huh?
Chrissy <>
deland, fl USA - Friday, April 21, 2000 at 20:58:21 (EDT)

when we moved into our house there were scratch marks all over the wall where my bro's room was. a few years later he started seein a dog appear at night and scratching at the wall which was were the scratches were. the next couple days he said he saw it{we didn't know if he was tellin the truth}. my dad finally called the people who owned the house before and they said they used to have a dog that was very mean so they locked it in there. it finally died they said and that was the dog my brother saw.
rebecca <none>
?, ky USA - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 21:24:51 (EDT)

Well on 2/17/2000 my friend Lacey Michelle Rossini, died cause her pace maker for her heart died in her sleep. She was a 13 year old 8th grader at Hamlin Middle School. She was born with a heart problem. It was a long term heart condition. She was known by, like every one. Her death was such a shock. She got a long with every one. On friday the 18th of February I found out about her death and broke out in tears. See even though I am a 6th grader, I am really emotional, and so I cried all day at school same with my 6-8th gradde freinds and most of us went home early. And at school they to go and share your emotions. Today, 2/25/2000 was a mermorial service at school for her and I said a poem. On 2/23/2000 was her funerial and I cried and went. It was during school but still most of my friends went to school and got picked up to go to the funerial. When I got there they had just closed the coffen so I didn't get to say goodbye with Lacey face to face. Well at the end we at the funerial wrote on balloons.(They were purple cause purple and green was her favorite colors. Well then right before the hirst(what ever you call it) left to the Plesant Hill Cemetary. We let the balloons go and some got stuck in the tree but most of them flew into the clouds. I wonder if she got mine. Well when the hirst pulled out some kids cried out."Dont take her, come back Lacey." That really put me in tears. Wait oh yeah, When this guy in the church was playing guitar and singing I could not help my selt to not crack up cause it was so funny. But I'm sorry Lacey. Well I miss Lacey and so does all my friends at school. I wish she would come back. Oh, She was burried in her pajamas (or how ever you spell it.) Well that seems weird. But my question is "Why'd she have to go?" Why couldn't of I gotten to know her better? Can she hear me when I pray to her? Does she look after me? If you have any information on this please E-Mail me. at Thank You
Jacqueline White <>
Springfeild , Or USA - Friday, February 25, 2000 at 22:20:15 (EST)

Was it life or dream..... Well this is a nother one of my true life ghost stories. I was 4, I remember it like yesturday. Well my mom had just tucked me in for bed.(It was 8:00 pm.) I was about to fall a sleep but something startalled me. I didn't know what it was. Then I saw my brother with this ghost mask of ours on and he was standing in my doorway. He looked so stiff and scary. I told him to go away. But he didn't. Infact he started walking toward my bed. I started to cry. He was at the foot of my bed now, still looking stiff and scary. I then jumped out of my bed as fast as I possibly could, and ran to the hallway and screamed at the door of my parents room. My mom then opened the door and she saw me on the floor more scared than she had ever seen me. I told about my brother and she looked but he was gone. Then I asked her to sleep in my bed with me to comfort me. So she did. We were now in my bed and she started to fall asleep. I turned to my side and I saw my brother with the freky mask on. He just stood there stiff, lonely, and very scary. I tried to sleep but could not, then everything turned black. When I opened my eyes it was morning and my mom was in her own bed and my brother was in his own bed. I got up and asked my brother why he tried to scare me. He just said, "What are you on?" I said nothing. Then I asked my mom what had happened last night, and said that I got scared and so she slept with me. But the thing is she never saw my brother. It was like I could only see him like cause in the hall when she looked we could not see him. When she slept I could see him. I guess I will never know. But about the mask, I never could find it until 4 years later and then it disapeared. The End... Everything that happened to me that was evil, happened in the house where I grew up.
Jacqueline Renee White <(cant tell)>
Springfeild, Or USA - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 00:29:53 (EST)

Ok I was about 6 and I was quite tired. Just as I was drifting asleep (it was around 1:30 am.) Well any way I heard these clicking noises and I saw these flashing lights from the cracks of the door. I got up interested yet scared. I walked to the door and opened it. When I looked to where I heard the clicking noise, what I saw was what you could only dream. I saw the light switch moving up and down all by it's self. I got so freaked out I screamed, ran in my room. Put my blankets over my head and my mom came in and I told her what I had saw. She just said it was my imagination and that I was dreaming. But I know the truth. Well any way the next day I asled my mom what happened to the people who lived here before us, and she said that the old lady who lived here had died of unknown reasons, sitting in her rocking chair with her eyes wide open. Well thats the end of my true life ghost storie.
Jacqueline Renee White <(Cant tell)>
Springfeild, Or USA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 23:48:09 (EST)

OK, 1st of all, i'd just like to tell all thse people who claim that their friends and them have seen ghosts while they were doing "witchcraft". I am a practitioner of the Wiccan religion and I hate how ignorant people try to make our religion seem evil or satanic. Wiccans don't even belive in the Devil!!! Wicca is a RELIGION, not just something you do with your friends for fun. I hear talk about having "seances" at my school all the time, and i just want to smack them in their preppy little faces!!! You should never ever try to contact a spirit when you don't know what your doing. Without the religion, MAJIC IS NOTHING. Without the help of Spirit, it doesn't work. Wiccans never do anything to hurt other people, and were certinly not stupid enough to try "black majic", because we know Karmas just gonna come back and kick us in your asses. Nuff said. Anyways, i really do have a ghost story. Twice now, I have seen a small girl in my house. It is always when i wake up in the middle of the night. SHe turns just as soon as i see her. The first time, she was wearing a pink dress, and the second time a green one. The dresses look to be from about the late 1800's or early 1900's. This is freaky because there is a statue of a girl in the same kinds of clothes who dies when she was 11 in the cemetary in our town. Her name i Jenny, and we both feel very close to her. Maybe the girl i saw was Jenny. I think she was. She watches over us and protects us, because she knows that were her friends. I jsut hope someday she gets to Heaven, and if she's already there, i'm glad she visits me.
Isis <>
USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 11:28:24 (EST)

Not too many years ago ther was a woman named mrs.Cook. She was always very nice to everyone and let the children have swimming lessons in her backyard pool. She was a widow, and a mysterios one at that. After she died the house was deserted for many years. The vines spread up and into her house. everything overgrew and became quite wild.After many years some real estate people tried to sell the house, but no one wanted it. Many people belived it was haunted. and, in truth it was. Not even vandals went near the house. there were stories of the sound of somone playing the grand piano within. Mrs. Cook loved her grand piano. no one is sure why she decided to stay on earth but she did. And the story does not end there. since no one bought the house a greedy builder came and wrecked the house to build new homes. this made mrs. Cook very, very angry. she promised that when people move in she will freeze the pipes, plug the toilets and cause chaos untill nshe gets her house back. And belive me, she will. If you dont belive me go look on liverpool road by holy redeemer elemantry school you will find a block after her name.
pickering, ont canada - Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 15:38:09 (EST)

I was in bed one night when i looked up and saw a young woman in a hospital gown at first i thought i was dreaming and put out my hand to touch the lady but all I felt was a feeling like my hand had been stuck in a bucket of ice. the next day my mom told me my aunt had died and before she died she said that she had really wanted to see me.
jazz <>
toronto, ont canada - Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 15:06:39 (EST)

CLOUDS, HV HEAVEN - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 07:23:36 (EST)

My husband (at the time boyfriend) lives in an over 200 yr old farm house. The farmers now live a little ways down the street, but this house was the original. It was built by the family, owned and lived in by the family. They even burried some of the family out in what is now the back yard. There are a whole lot of stories about the house, and believe me, there is something definitely scary going on there most of the time. An old gypsy woman who was born with the veil over her eyes and had second sight died in one of the upstairs bedrooms. None of the animals act right in that room and a few of the others. I have had many very real, prophetic dreams involving the house and my best-friend, after an experience we had with footsteps belonging to no one, absolutely refuses to go into the house. And she hasn't in over three years, not even for one minute. But anyway, to the story.

My husband and I were in his sitting room and in it are two sofas facing each other with a marble table in the middle. Now, I guess I should tell you that his mother is an antiques collector, so both of these sofas were pretty old. I am very interested in the occult and the such and there have been many times when I had spells work, dreams and Tarot card readings come true, and Ouija boards go nuts on me, so I wasn't really expecting anything to come of the two of us having a "mini-seance". This kind of thing was nothing new to me. I've seen ghosts since I was little. But I was really mistaken. We turned out the lights, lit some white and red candles and after a while of concentrating and talking, an apparition started to appear. It was that of a man. He sat in the sofa across from us, sorta of lounging and smoking a cigarette. He didn't speak and looked very strong and barrel chested. My husband didn't see him. But I swear, I saw him. I could see the orange, not-quite-light of the tip of his smoke and I could almost see him inhale and exhale. He wasn't scary or anything and to tell the truth he felt like my grandfather even though I knew it wasn't him. But there were flashes of light darting around the room once in a while, which could not have been car head lights because of the room we were in.

So that was a little scary, but the scariest thing of all was yet to happen. Now I said before about footsteps and stuff. The house was always at least un-nerving, but you kind of got used to it. I did, at least. Except for the basement. I didn't even like to go down there in the daylight, you could just feel the presence of something mean down there and it scared the crap out of me. Well, on the night I'm talking about, the basement door started slamming back and forth and then footsteps would run down to the basement and run back up and the door would slam open and shut some more. There was no one else there that night and believe me, I'd like to be able to say that it was the wind or one of the pets, but it wasn't. I was so bad and scary that I wanted to go home, but stayed later than I was supposed to at the time because I didn't want to leave my husband there alone. Strange stuff is still happening there, but nothing like that night. At least so far, but we're not really trying all that hard.
Krista <na>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 10:54:10 (EST)

This story is true.Though it involves myself it happened when I was an infant so it was 'handed down' to me from my mother. At that time our family rented a trailer about 2 miles south of Laramie Wyoming.At this site my Grandfather had recovered quite a few artifacts from an old fort that time had buried beneath the earth.There had been reports of shadows of bearded men in 1800's garb passing through the living room window and upon the wall when,obviously,noone was passing by outside. My particular story is this...Appearantly I was a colicky baby and thus I often became fussy.This was one of those times and of course my mom [probably stressed],came rushing in to coddle her young child.Soon she had me giggleing and laughing and as we played a sudden voice boomed in the room! HAW! HAW haw... It sounded almost maniacal or perhaps mechanical and female.I can only imagine the feelings mom experienced at this point,alone in a small room with two small children. A few moments passed and she finally looked in the closet near the corner of the room that this noise seemed to have been projected from,but she found nothing abnormal.Beyond the wall there were no other rooms only the field outside.My sister [the only other person in the domain],remained within eyeshot in the living room quietly coloring the entire time of the incedent and to this day,[30 yrs.later],denies that she might have made this noise. Perhaps it was a Ghost.
Kyle Johnson <>
Wheatridge, CO USA - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:49:23 (EST)

Well this is a story that my husband has told me over and over, his mother was on her way home from work( she love in the middle of a state forest here in NJ) diving down one of the long un named roads she looked to her left and saw the womanin white now this woman in whiteis the woman who has been seen by a lot of people but only in the early 1900's. You could she right thourgh her and she just slowed down the car and let her pass, they looked at eachother in the passing and my mother in law was so scared that she wanted to scream but nothing would come out. I am not really sure what the story about her is but when my husband 1st told me this story he took right to the spot where his mom saw her and I thought that I saw her or a white light and goodness I have never been back there again
T.Cathers <>
Palmyra, NJ USA - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 14:29:24 (EST)

While riding in a car one night in Beufort, SC, my friend and I saw what appeared to be a 1957 Chevy in front of us with no lights on. We followed it for some time, until we passed by a cemetary at a section of road that came to a "T". The "car" had stopped, and we did not have time to stop before hitting it. We drove straight thru it. At the time that we drove thru the "car", it got very cold. My baby, who was in the back seat, awoke and started to cry. I didn't say anything for a few minutes, because I thought my friend would think I was crazy. Then at the same time we said "Did you see that?". I did not go that way ever again at night.
Suzy <>
ROCKY MOUNT, NC USA - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 11:18:56 (EST)

As you can see I'm Irish and we as a race are well know for our gastly tales of spirits and ghosts.Well I come from deep deep into the countryside,I'm living inbetween a forest,a long narrow winding road and a well which has been there for hundreds of years.Now the Irsh translation of where I live is St Michaels well,a place which you used to be the gathering for many Pagan marraiges and rituals .Well,legend goes for those who dare to speak it is ,in the year of 1799,on the evev of Hallow,a young man was walking back alone,down the long winding road after a night out dancing.He was passing the well when he heard the sound of crying.He walked off the road and saw a young beautiful woman crouched beside the well sobbing.Now when I say beautiful,she had long golden hair,the palest skin and the deepest bluest eyes,she wore a long white dress,with a long white shawl draped overt her shoulders.Kneeling down beside her he asked what was wrong.She replid through her tears that she was after coming home from the dance where she and her truelove used to meet,she and her truelove were supposed to leave the country that night and be married in England,but her true love never turned up and now she is alone with no one to marry and with no one to love.The man was touched by her story and offered to help her in any way he could.She looked up to him ,her deep blue eyes sparkling in the light of the full moon,'dance with me 'she said.So the two of them danced and danced,when suddnely the girls truelove came running towards her,he saw the two of them dancing and furlrd with anger hecaught up a stone that was on the edge of the well and hit htem both on the head,killing them both.Legend now has it that they appear every one hundred years at the well.The ywo of them rise up from the well and dance for the twelve strokes of midnight and then disapear,but every now and then when you are passing by the well you hear the soubd of someone crying and sound is to tell us that someone somewhere has just had there heart broken.Yoy must excuse me now,as the year is 1999 and the clock is begining to strike twelve I must go out and take a look at the two beautiful dancers.
aoife <>
cork, EIRE - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 19:11:34 (EDT)

Imust of have been about 6 or 7 yrs. old when this happened it was said that in our neighborhood, years back a neighbor behind my aunt's house had killed his wife. She vanished and was never found. we'll guess where she's suppose to be buried? yes directly behind my aunt's house. Well one evening I was looking for my aunt. Through one side door I saw what was a woman in a gown, with long hair. I called out to this woman thinking it was my aunt, but she never responded. So I went to this door and this woman stood their, never turning to me. So I then came around the other way, to face her. She was gone. I didnot sleep for two night's. This has stayed with me all these years.
cathi <>
mission, texasI USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 00:53:17 (EDT)

Once a time me and a friend where doing some witch craft and then we where hearing long finger nails scrating on the back window a few minutes we heard taping we just stop doing everything and turned off all the lights that is what happen on a scary night. Friday.oct.29.99
Douglas., Az USA - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 00:46:59 (EDT)

I was trick or treating last year when I was in the school parking lot a few friends. There was one car there and we were going up to look in it. One of us went up to it, and they thought that they heard and saw someone in the car. Then the car started up and it was chasing us. We ran down the street till we thought we had lost it. Then we were going to go back up the parking lot and just hang out. When we got up there the car was there and no one was in the car, or in side of the car.
Ashley <>
USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 13:50:38 (EDT)

Whilst I was visiting my Uncle & Aunt in Yorkshire, we decided to pop round to the local pub for a couple of pints. On our return, I retired to my room for a well-needed night's sleep! (Let me assure you...I was NOT under the influence of alcohol at this point!) I began changing into my night clothes, when all of a sudden, the light bulb unscrewed itself from the socket and flew across the room, (in a diagonal line) onto the bed! I was a touch alarmed (obviously) but just put it down to an electrical surge or something (although it had actually flown at an angle and NOT straight down!). I called to my uncle to put the light back in (he is far taller than my mere 5ft 3!) and when he came in, he proceeded to calmly tell me that it was likely to have been the work of his resident poltergeist!!!! (I didn't even know he had one!) Apparently it had a nasty habit of throwing things around particular one picture of a Spitfire which was hanging on the wall. I slept very well that night - NOT!
Mandy <>
Worcester, Worcs UK (England) - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 10:04:00 (EDT)

phil wunsch <>
united kingdom - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 05:16:20 (EDT)

My mother told me this story, One night just a couple of months after her brother died, the family dog (which happened to be her brothers dog and both the brother and the dog loved each other) was in the kitchen and all of a suddenly the hair stood up on it's back and it started to wander very slowly down the hallway. Barking and walking it eventually found it's way to her brothers closet and then it's hair went down and it started to wag it's tail and it calmed down. Maybe not scary but still interesting.
Mitchel J. Mullin II <>
Wilburton, OK USA - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 02:24:38 (EDT)

Well, this incedent happened at our cottage up in Muskoka (a vast forest region in Ontario). I was lying in my bed one morning, just resting before I started my day. As I layed there, I began to hear some distant humming, you know, like a person humming. The tune was very peaceful and sweet, and continued for some time. I was quite intrigued, because my mother, who I believed to be in the other room, was not the kind of person to hum spontaneously. So, I rose from my bed and went around the corner to my mother's room to ask why she was humming. When I entered the room, I was confused and startled to find that there was no one in the room. When I entered, the humming had stopped. I then understood that my mother was downstairs, not in her room. I went and asked her if she had been humming. She answered no. I asked If their had been people humming on the radio. She said no, because this was talk radio, and there had been no music. I know I did not imagine the humming, and I know I wasn't dreaming, because I was fully awake, admiring a painting on the wall as I layed in bed. I can only explain this incident as a ghost.
E. Walkerley
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 13:36:33 (EDT)

It starts in the 70's, when our house was built. A young man, his wife, and their 6 year old son lived here... supposedly with no problems at all in their marriage, no one took the signs serious. The man's wife decided one day that she didn't want to be with a man that drank too much and never talked to her. So she packed her things and her sons, and left. When the man came home, he found that she had left and taken every thing she'd had with her.. including their son. So he goes to the back room, which in present day is MY room, got a gun and loaded it. he knew where she had went, she'd gone there before. Her mother's house, just down the road from the house that used to theirs. He went up to the door and knocked.. her mother answered the door and let him in, thinking he was there to talk things out. When he got past the threshhold, he opened fire, killing his wife, their son and wounding his mother-in-law. Now, aware of what he had done, he ran out of the house, got into his car and drove back to his house... he went back to the back room, and shot himself. PRESENT DAY: last night, i was in my room lying on my bed getting ready to fall asleep.. when D.C. <-- that's what i call him.. started telling me he was sorry, that he stayed out so late....
Kaeli Jennings <>
Scottsburg, in USA - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 00:44:50 (EDT)

hey in rutherford North Carolina several years ago something happened or as so told to happen.One day before my Parnets were born and my grandparnets may have been born or not born yet but any way on with the story. Where domanio's stands today. there use to be an old jail house. and one day a little black girl was murdered. the little girl was beaten to death or so they say she was out in the feild picking flowers and was killed.A few days later they found a shirt that belonged to Daniel Keith On His Back Porch and when they questioned him he said that he had been out hunting the day she was killed and daniel Keith was a fairly big man. When they took him to court he was found guilty and tooken into custdy and he was setenced to death-hanging. On the way to the hanging tree he told the cop that if he was innonce he would come back to hunt who didn't believe him. A few days after he was killed his shadow apppeared on the jail wall and they painted over it but you could still see it and as many times as they painted over it, it was still there.they tore down the old jail and turned it in to many different things and they all were shut down cause of the shadow. One place a restruant every day as te people closed that night on of the waitress would always have to take out the trashand the waitress would almost always see that shadow which caused a lot of people to quit. Every nigh the waitresses would clean up then leave it would look nice and clean and then every morning there would be a table sit for one in the far corner. one night the manager closed the place and made sure every table was sit and cleaned and all the windows and doors were locked and left and he came back later and everything had been moved soon after all that happened it closed down and turned into daminos. and nothig ever happened there and it still stands today as i speak. And sometimes people say you can still see his shadow on certain nights.thanks for your time
Julia <>
rutherford, nc USA - Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 14:41:12 (EDT)

MY APARTMENT IS HAUNTED! I moved into this apartment August of 1997. It is part of an old building and in exchange for free rent, I clean some and monitor the building on weekends. Sounded like a pretty good deal. This apartment has a long hall that runs the length of the apartment on the north side that starts at the front door. If you turn right after coming in, you enter the livingroom which is connected to the kitchen, then there is a bedroom the bathroom and then another bedroom. My bedroom is in the very back of the apartment. I did not notice any thing wierd about this place until I went to bed. I put my bed on the west wall. Every night when I would go to bed, I would lay there in the dark and after a few minutes my bed would move. It felt as if someone was bumping into my bed. It would even cause my headboard to "thunk" against the wall. I would immediately sit up, but never saw anything. I would try to reason it away as imagination or a truck maybe going by, whatever.

Then after a week or two of this, I noticed that SOMEONE OR SOMETHING WAS SITTING DOWN AT THE BOTTOM OF MY FEET!!! I immediately sat up and screamed, "GET OFF MY BED, NOW!!!!" I would feel the "pressure" come off the bed, but still did not see anything. I did see the dent in my bed and then saw it go back to normal. Of course, this would scare the hell out of me and I would go to the livingroom and have a cup of tea to calm down. Sometimes I would sleep on the couch so that I could get some sleep. I also started noticing some strange noises that I couldn't explain away. They would always take place in the hallway that runs the length of my apartment. The noises sounded like many voices as well as walking and sometimes a thumping sound. I never could make out what was being said and it wasn't very loud. It was very scary. I only noticed this at night, but I am not in my apartment much during the day anyway. I finally decided to try and figure out what was going on. I went and bought a voice activated tape recorder and set it up in the hall one night before I went to bed. I tried to eliminate any outside sources from contaminating the tape and then went to bed. The next morning, I went and got the recorder and rewound the tape, ( there was quite a bit of tape that had been used). I played the tape back and heard myself a couple of times and then I heard other noises too! I heard heavy footsteps, a man clearing his voice and then inaudible conversation going on. It sounded like a least three voices, but it was very hard to tell for sure. I also heard later on in the tape a "thumping" sound which I have no way of identifying. There was also the sound of laughing at another point in the tape. I also heard glass breaking. I forgot to mention that on the other side of my apartment is empty storage space that will eventually be renovated, but for now is closed off.

No one is allowed into this area and I am one of three that has a key to it. I took my tape to someone who gives readings and has some knowledge of ghost things. She listened to the tape and to my stories. She agreed that it did sound like someone was there and more than one person was haunting. She also told me to move my bed because I might be in the way of someone walking. She also gave me some advise to make it more peaceful. I did these things and moved my bed. It definitely helped and no one sits on or bumps my bed anymore. I still hear some voices in the hallway, but I don't feel threatened or like someone will hurt me. I have learned to live with these things. I plan to someday have a "psychic" over and maybe we will try to help free the ghosts. For now, they can stay as long as they're good.
wy USA - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 13:27:27 (EDT)

Well I might have two stories to tell. My first one is when I was at my friend Jenny's camping/birthday party. We were in our teens and we heard about the ouij board so we all took turns (two at a time) in the tent. My cousin Desiree and I did it and my great Uncle Bun who passed away a couple of months earlier was communicating to me. I wanted to check and see if he knew who I was and if he remembered his wife's name he spelled mine and my great Aunt Millie's name out okay but not spelt right. My cousin Desiree is from my mom's side and my great uncle and aunt are on my dad's so she doesn't know their names. Later the next day when I got home I mentioned my experience with the ouij and my mom said "No wonder it wasn't spelled right, your Uncle Bun couldn't read or write.". To this day I believe in the power of ouij.

The other story is about my Aunt Tammy who passed away my senior year ('95) at my parents house from a heart attack. After the ambulence arrived I was scared and crying still especially when all I could see was her boots at the end of the coffee table and couch, on the floor. The following day and I was home alone most of the day and heard voices and car doors opening and the engine starting. The only car in the driveway was my aunts. I saw the car door close and more voices. I didn't want to sit on the couch for the longest time. I told my parents I wanted out of here because I couldn't except what I heard and saw. I moved out. I realize now that she is our guardian angel now and she will always be my favorite aunt on my dad's side. I am not scared of the stuff I heard and saw anymore. I feel like she was showing me that she is here and will protect me and the rest of the family that has loved her.
Lori Gohde <>
Rice Lake, WI USA - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 03:13:15 (EDT)

My husband died 20 years ago in a tragic accident. He was 29 and I was 25 years old at the time. The accident took place in July of the year. Nothing unusual happened for several months. On my birthday in January, six months later I awakened in the morning to find I had company. My husband dressed in the clothes he was killed in was in my bedroom. He was solid as you and I. I rubbed my eyes, pinched myself and even yelled out thinking this would surely wake me up from this dream. This was no dream. He was clear and he was speaking to me telepathically. He was telling me he really was dead. He was okay and I should quit grieving so for him. He wanted me to get on with my life. Patrick was his name and he was the first ghost I have seen. Since then I have seened several others.
Dinah <>
Tampa, fl USA - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:58:18 (EDT)

There once was a girl, her name unknown, she lived with her grandparents in a small house near Sheperdstown, WV. One day the girl died of a common disease known in that period of time. Her grandparents couldn't afford a real burial service for her, so her grandfather buried her himself. The next morning when they awoke they found half moons in everything they owned,[clothes,shutters, dishes,etc.], they figured it was a prank, burrowed money from relatives to replace the items. The second day it happened again,so once more they replaced the items. The next day it happened once more. This time they didn't replace the items, because they then knew it was their grandaughter. So they knew she didn,t rest in piece. They then had a real funeral priest, and all with the remains of the money borrowed. Right then the day turned to night in a split second and a half moon appeared, right then they new she was finally rested in peace.
Kimberly Streets
Martinsburg, WV USA - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:02:05 (EDT)

Did you realize that the word books has the word "boo" in it? That was just a little halloween thought to ponder. A co-worker of mine was also a dear friend and very well read. We were all deeply saddened when she died from cancer at a young age, and felt that her spirit was struggling to stay with us. I was given her large dictionary and a few other desk-type items. Shortly after her memorial service, a lamp we had in our library turned itself on. (It was one of the types that lights when the base is touched). But no one was in the room. A few minutes later, it would go off, and then one again. I had a strange feeling that Sarah was signalling us that she was OK and would be with us. Linda
Linda <bookseller@catsmeowbooks,com>
Charlotte Harbor, FL USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 20:25:11 (EDT)

This story isn't really scarey, the ghost was very nice to me. When I was younger my family lived in this really old house and I am completely convinced to this day that it is haunted. I would always hear someone walking around in our attic when I was in my room, even though our attic didn't have a floor that was sturdy enough to support a person's weight for most of the time that we lived there. I would also hear a rocking chair and sometimes someone singing a lullaby. I would hear the singing when I was having trouble falling asleep. The ghost would also bring me my homework when I forgot it. One time I searched all through my folders and notebooks and I couldn't find it and then I felt this calmness come over me (which is good because I was stressed out, it was important homework) and I opened my folder again and the homework was right there on the top and I swear it wasn't there before. I never did see the ghost clearly, but one time I saw it in my room as I was coming down the hall, but by the time I got there it was gone. Anyway, I guess this goes to show that not all ghosts are evil.
Salem, MA USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 18:29:50 (EDT)

This is not about me. I swear this is ture. My parents are people who never lie and they told me this. When my dad was little he had 1 sister and 3 brothers. Now he only has 1 sister and 1 brother. One brother (lets call him Mike) died in a house fire when dad was about 7 years old. My dad's other brother died in the army. His name was (lets say Joe) and he steped on a landmine. My dad and Joe were very close. They slept in the same room their whole life. When Joe died my dad was only in his 20's (I think) and my dad could not sleep in his room anymore because he kept having dreams about seeing Joe looking out his window in the middle of the night. My dad moved into a different room and no one used that room except for a storage room untill my grand parents moved out and my dad moved in with my mom. ON their honeymoon they paid a hired worker to watch the house. Joe and my dad's old room was still a storage room but they made in into a cozy room with a bed and everything. Well they fixed up this room for the hired worker to sleep in while they were gone. When my parents came back 3 weeks later they came home to the hired worker sleeping on the couch in our livingroom. My dad and mom were kind of upset. They spent a long time making this room presentable for this man to sleep in and here he dared to sleep on the couth. The hired man explained "I woke up in the middle of the night my first night sleeping in that room to a younge man looking out the window. I was really scared and I ran out of the room and I didn't go up their sence." My dad asked him to explain what this man looked like and the hired worker explained Joe to the T. My parents didn't have a single picture of Louie in the house so their was no way the hired worker could of known about him. YEars later my parents had my older sister. They never could use that room because it never felt right. IT wasn't hot or cold it was "chilled" it was strange. A year later my parents had my brother. ONe day my mom was up at the store and my dad was sitting down stairs in our livingroom rocking my brother in his chair. Suddenly a warm wind seemed to surroud him and my dad looked behind him and he saw his brother, Joe, sitting on our stairs. Joe was smileing and then fadded away. My dad sat their for a little bit then ran up stairs into his old room. The room felt perfectly fine. It felt normal. They just told me last year (I'm 15) about his storie. And guess who's room was my dad's old room. Of course mine. I thought I couldn't ever sleep in there again, but when I walked up into my room it felt like home.
Tessa <>
Monona, IA USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 23:00:56 (EDT)

Helloo all! I was just reading some of the recent stories on a new device I've been working on here, and I must say, I am impressed. Keep up the good work. If you see Morton, tell him I have a present for him when I return. Cheers, Professor Crumpton
Professor Crumpton <>
on the road, far far away - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 22:46:47 (EDT)

there's alot of spooky things that have happened in my house. it all started when i first moved in this house with my family and i was talking to a friend on the phone, and all of a sudden, the lamp turned on by itself! and it's one of those chain pulling ones so it freaked me out even worse. then i was joking around with a friend and we had one of those toy flashing things and in one of the flashes, i saw alittle girl peering in the corner at us. i thought it was my imagination and kept on messing around with the flashy thingy. then in another flash, my friend jumped and i asked her what was the matter. and she said that she saw alittle girl over in the corner. other things have happened but there's just so many, i can't tell them all. but one freaky thing is there's a window outside of my house. but one you go inside, there's nothing but a wall where the window should be. the people who lived in my house before us must have walled over the window. but why???
stephanie <>
USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 20:56:40 (EDT)

One time when i was 20 my parents took me to this place called the Mission, in San Antonio,Texas. The story is that if u go past the railroad tracks and go to a tree and turn back. You then turn you're car off and put it on nutral with the car off the children will push you across the tracks.We put baby powder on the top of the car and on top of the trunk of the car. So we went there and turned off the radio and the car. And sure enough they pushed it across the tracks and we then got off the car and checked the back and it had little hand prints. I think what scared me was that i could hear the children talking and laughing while they pushed the car. This is a true story. From D'Hanis, Texas
Norma Jean Rodriguez <>
D'Hanis, tx USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 19:46:47 (EDT)

when i was a small child my parents bought a trailer house and placed it next to our house so my older sister and brother would have a place to stay during summer break from college. My little sister and I often heard the heavy glass door open and close and would run to see if my older siblings had returned from visiting or working. We often found no one would be there. We would ask our mother if she had heard the sound of the door and she always say no.

My older sister left early for school that year and I got to live in the trailer with my own room. The first night I tried to sleep in the trailer I heard the heavy glass door open. I got up to see nothing, not even the door open. I went back to bed but not to sleep. A short time later I heard the heavy glass door open again and this time footsteps coming inside the trailer and down the hall and stopping outside my door. I called my brother's name out but no one replyed. I just hid under my covers shivering for what seemed a lifetime. Later I got brave enough and went to see if my brother was home, only to find his empty room. I went to asked my mother who was still up if she had been over, her answer was no. I did not stay the in the trailer any more.

Years later as an adult I asked my mother if she had hear the glass door open when we were small, she told me yes, but she wasnt about to scare her two young girls. This is a true story, later my parents removed the trailer and we never had another "Night Visitor".
Juanita <buggsygirl>
NA, az USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 19:41:38 (EDT)

My son was 2 years old. He still would wake up during the night for a bottle, but I would only give him water. One night I got up and went to the bathroom to refill the bottle. I couldn't get the door open! My husband was in bed asleep. My brother was still asleep on the couch. I woke my husband because I had that terrified feeling that something was wrong. He reassured me by mumbling, "Go to the kitchen..." I did and went back to bed. The next morning when my husband got up to get ready for work, lo and behold, the bathroom door wouldn't open. He tried peeking through the keyhole but something blocked the way. We ended up by having to remove the bathroom window. My brother crawled through and discovered a key in door. (We had no key to the bathroom.) However the key did NOT unlock the door. We had to take it off the hinges to open it. We removed the lock mechanism. It turned out that the key belonged to the front door. I kept it hung up above the inside of the front door so no one could reach it without great difficulty. The bathroom door had opened perfectly before we all went to bed.
Melva <>
Lp, Mi USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 15:37:20 (EDT)

i am satan and evey body that visets this site will die in the year 2000 sept for me because i am already dead.
satan <>
hell, hell hell - Monday, October 18, 1999 at 13:06:35 (EDT)

This story may not sound scarey to some, but it terrified me at the time. When I was 12 years old my cousin (8 years old) stayed the night with me and my 11 year old sister. My cousin (at the time) was scared of storms. It started storming around 9:00p.m. that night, so me and my sister both slept in my bed with my cousin so she wouldn't be scared. I couldn't sleep that night because I was crowded in my small bed with 2 other people in it. Around 3:00 in the morning I felt like somebody was watching me, so during a bright flash of lightning I looked down at the foot of my bed and there was an old woman that I have never seen before standing there, she was wearing an old fashion dress, and she had her hair pulled up tight behind her hair (as if it were in a bun). I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I didn't tell anybody at first because I didn't think they would belive me, but about 2:00 weeks later, my 14 year old sister said that she had a weird dream the night before about an old woman wearing a really old dress with her hair up in a bun.
Stacey <>
ks USA - Monday, October 18, 1999 at 02:59:12 (EDT)

Well IT is not verry spooky .. I had just gone to sleep when I heard my name called so I woke up then I heard it once more and then I followed it to the window . Where I saw 2 sets of eys . One pair was red the other was yellow I was so scared I couldnt move . so I stayed there untill I could not tak it any more so I taped my mom on the sholder wial keeping my eys on the eys . but when she got up they just where gone . I was about 3 years old ..I dont remember any thing els for that far back but that night . And that is no lie ..
Savannah Mac <Mac >
Dinero , TX USA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 22:12:30 (EDT)

It happen to my friend.Well her family moved to a little house a didn't know it was haunted,or I think someone died there or something of that sort.So on the first night they moved in they heard this fiddle in there bathroomand the light was on.She went to her parents room to see if they heard the noise too,they did!They were all scared but her Dad went and open the bathroom door and nothing was there and the light was turned off,but he did find animal hair and the bathroom kinda smelled funny that happened 10 times that night,and the next day they moved out!
Sarah Smith
OH USA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 21:20:36 (EDT)

I'm 22yrs old now, and this happened when I was between the ages of 16 and 18. I live in a house that was only built in the 1980's, so it's not that old. An elderly man died in the house before my family and I moved in. We always had a feeling that he was still lingering around, but we didn't acknowledge it. Well, this story does not involve him, but another entity that happened to be around.

Everything that happened in that house centered around me and my bedroom. My sister had just moved out of the house and before that we had always shared a room together. Finally having a room of my own was a little scary. I hate being alone, especially since I have a very overactive imagination. Well, I was dating this guy at the time, he was 21 and I was 17. I had always been able to feel this presence in my room, but I just ignored it. When it started to annoy me, I would turn my back on it and ignore it. "He" would move things on my dresser, take things and move them to different areas of my room, and he had a habit of pulling on my toes and shaking my bed. I didn't feel any fear but I didn't get angry and annoyed with him. One day my best-friend came over with a Ouija board and we made the worst mistake of our lives. We contacted this entity and started to converse with it. We found his name was Jack, and he seemed to have this little crush on me. He told me that he didn't like the guy I was with and that he wanted me for himself. Being an immature teenager, I told him it wouldn't work out due to the fact that he was dead and I was alive. He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to kill me in order for us to be together. That got me very upset. I told him that if he was to kill me I would be one very pissed off ghost. I also told him that when I was ready to die I would tell him, and for him not to try in the mean time. I know what you're thinking... I was very stupid to be this uppity to a spirit, but I was young, scared and angry.

Well, things started progressing after that. Objects were being knocked off my dressers and shelves. Clothes were ripped off my hangers and thrown on the floor. One incident that involved my pet mouse, when Jack decided to pull the lid off the cage and stuck it inside the cage, caused my mouse to die the very next morning.

The final major encounter happened at night about 6 months after the Ouija board incident. To this day I dont' know if it was Jack or some evil demon sent to get me. I had just fallen asleep when I was suddenly wakened by the feel of my head hitting the wall. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was in a sort of sitting position up against my headboard and I was being thrown into the wall. In front of me about a foot from my face was an orb that was blackest black I have ever seen. I could just smell and feel the evil aura this "thing" projected. I immediately started praying the Lord's Prayer over and over until the orb disappeared. It was strange how that had happened. The moment the prayer started to come from my lips, the assault stopped and the orb started backing further and further away, then it started to get smaller until it was all gone. After the attack I ran out of my room and into the family room where my mom was watching TV. yes, it's about 11:00pm at night and my mom is watching her TV, but on to the point. My mom hadn't heard anything that was going in my room which was right next to her. I went back to sleep that night with no more disruptions.

The next and final incident happened while I was at work and my parents were home with my sister who was visiting. They heard something knocking on my bedroom door, and thinking that it was one of our animals my dad went to open. When he looked inside he saw that my room was empty. Slighty confuse, he went back to the family room. My door started knocking again, and my dad being his usual curious self went to go and investigate. he thought this time that there was an air pressure in my room that was causing the door to rattle which would make the knocking noise. when he opened the door, he went inside and looked around. My air vents were closed so it wasn't the AC, and my windows were closed so it wasn't the wind. He was very curious at this point so he exited my room, closed the door and stood outside my door and waited. when my door started knocking again, he opened it and said outloud "Whoever wants out of this room can leave now because I'm not going to open this door again." He waited a second or two then he closed the door and it didn't knock again.

Now my questions are, was it Jack or something else that was in my room that night? Also, was it Jack that left my room that day when my dad opened the door? Why did he leave? I guess I'll never know, and maybe I really don't want to know.
Jen <>
Daytona Beach, FL USA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 15:45:28 (EDT)

Well nobody actually belives my REAL ghost story that I'm about to tell you but I SWEAR it's true.It happened when I was 6 and we moved into this house and during our 1 and a half year stay my grandmother died.When I heard this I was so upset I cried all night long,until about 11:00 or 12:00 I felt a strange,but calm/nice sensation over me,I felt I wasn't alone.I don't know what but something made me turn my head to the left and there was my grandmalying beside me!I couldn't believe my eyes! I decided to look at the ceiling and there were(I know this sounds stupid)eyes staring at me!I was so scared. But during the rest of our stay there my grandma tried to help out(well...sorta) Anyway the day or week after what happened to me my dad was talking to my stepmom and said "I know my mother visited Breanne but I wish she could give us some physical evidence that she was here"The next day one of my stepmom's clay teapots that was on the top shelf of our china thingy was sitting on the table when at that time my brother and I couldn't reach the top they questioned eachother if they had taken it down neither of them didn't,at that time my dad remembered what he had said the day before. I swear this is true!!More stuff happened to my dad and the family but I can't tell you it all but if you e-mail me I proboably will -B.C.
Breanne <>
Kitchener, Canada - Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 22:13:02 (EDT)

Onetime my friend and I went to the graveyard on Halloween.In school we learned about a tale that if u go to the graveyard and the roses at the grave of the beheaded outlaw at 12:00.WE went and heard screaming of a 30 year old man.then a silloete behind the grave.We were so scared that we ran home sriling our candy everywhere.
Daniel O'Neill <>
Litchfield, CT USA - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 21:35:42 (EDT)

My story is a sad, but touching one. I was 19, married and had a baby boy named Michael. I loved him with all of my heart. Every morning my husband would go to P.T. in the Army, and every morning Michael, at 9 months old, would pull the curtain aside and greet him as he was pulling in the drive. He would also throw his bottle across the floor to wake me up. It was just a ritual, every morning, the same thing.

Well, in July, he died of spinal menengitis, at 10 months old. He was in the hospital for about 3 days and died there. I was heartbroken and my world, at such a young age, I thought was over. I didn't know what to do and I got really depressed and tried everything to just stop breathing.. It didn't work.

The day after he died, I was woken up by the sound of his bottle hitting the floor. I ran to his bedroom and of course he was not there, but I could feel his presence there with me, letting me know it would be ok.
RdNkGrl501 <>
Missoula, MT USA - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 16:48:29 (EDT)

This haunting happened to my coworker, who I will call Claire, many years ago. ItÌs important to know that Claire was a practical-minded young woman, not given to illusions and certainly not a believer in ghosts. When friends asked her to housesit for them in their big old house in rural Maryland, she had no qualms. It was early October. She took a tour of the house, met the pets, and received her instructions. All seemed simple enough until just before setting out, the owners passed along one last bit of information. It seems that some visitors found the house unsettling, and there had been strange noises and flickering lights. Undaunted, Claire assured them that she would be fine.

The first night passed without incident, but on the second night, as she was leaving the kitchen she heard a loud bang from an adjoining room. Turning to look, she saw across the passage way a shadowy figure in what looked like 18th century garb, standing beside a book that the creature had obviously just hurled to the ground. After that moment, she had no peace. The ghost (for she had no doubt now that this was no living presence) moved furniture, banged on the walls and floors, and exuded a powerful aura of ill-will. Each day, as the week went on, Claire would tell me about the latest occurrences but still she stayed.

On Friday morning, Claire was at work already when I arrived at 8:15 AM. That seemed a little unusual and soon I knew why. Claire told me that on that morning she had awoken to an overwhelming sense of dread. She rushed her morning routine, and was in the process of hurriedly finishing her hair when she felt the house begin to hum. The humming was part sound, part vibration, and it grew louder and more malevolent with each passing minute. She felt sure that something horrible would happen to her if she stayed. In her terrified mind, she could feel the ghostÌs hatred surrounding her, threatening dire consequences for her continued presence. Moments later, Claire was in her car flying down the road toward Baltimore, feeling as if the hounds of hell were at her heels. She never want back to the house, and has not, as far as I know, seen another ghost.
Augustine H. <>
Nethersmere, Crumpton Elsewhere - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 11:17:21 (EDT)

You ever hear the stairs creak at night? Well that's me Boo! I will haunt you until you go to your own grave ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahaaaaaa!
boo <none>
halloween town, another demension - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 19:46:15 (EDT)

OK, I don't know what this was, but I do know that it happened. My father died when I was almost 4 years old. It was not that long after he had died, (month, maybe a year) I was sitting in the livingroom and was watching some silly kids show. I heard him call me from the end of the hall. I stood up and looked down the hall. He said, my name and I said Yes? He said can you see me? I said no. He said how about now? I said no. (I remember looking at the hall and trying so hard to see him) He said well, I love you and I have to go. I said ok. He said, you still can not see me? I said no. He said ok, well I love you. and I told him I loved him. and that was it... I went and finished watching my show. I have no idea if that was a "siting" or what, but I have had other odd things happen sense. Once around Christmas when I was 16 I was really missing him and thinking about him often. I woke up and noticed a big box that was wrapped sitting in my doorway. I just kind of smiled (my mom always did things like that) I almost got up and opened it, but decided against it because I thought mom would like to be there. So I went back to sleep. Well Christmas morning when I woke up, the gift was gone. I just thought she had decided to put it out with the others. So, we open all of the gifts and I asked where the gift was. She laughed and said "that was not enough presents?" we laughed and I explained to her about the one I saw that night. We both at the same time KNEW who the gift was from. We truely think that my Dad just kind of wanted me to know he is still around. Well, that is my stories....
Danna <>
fl USA - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 13:57:15 (EDT)

My friends and I were over at coo-laid's house and we were playing this game called six pencils. Well we started playing and we asked the ghost if it was evil it said yes and so we asked if it was Going to haunt one of us and it said yes it then said with out the pencils I'm going to haunt you Cassy. Well I got scared and then Coo-laid asked if My best friends boyfriend was going to die cuz he was inthe hospital. then the next day he died.
Cassy <>
T.A.F.B, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 19:14:17 (EDT)

Well when i was about 8 after my mother had died i felt all alone...then a few weeks after her death a man who said he knew my mother very well...he was very nice looking And his figure was way to neat and perfect to be human...anyway he said he was there by herside when she had died and he was very close to her BUT i think my own mother would have told me about him. he gave me his number to talk if i ever was feeling alone again and to talk about my a few days after that i had called him and a women picked up the phone i asked is greig there and she said Greg isn't here...he has been gone for a year... i asked well he cmae to me yesterday he must be back in town....and she said No greg died a year ago... thanx for reading this please tell
Elizabeth Bass <>
portland, or USA - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 22:02:35 (EDT)

Before we lived in my childhood home, a camily lived there which has a little girl-period of events late 30's or early 40's. Little girl was up in the long attic of this 'railroad' style house, and she was playing with sparklers while wearing a fluffy chiffon party dress. IT CAUGHT FIRE. She panicked and ran the length of the house to the stairs, fanning the flames. She was taken to the local hospital, where she died of her burns. Years later, my folks purchase the house from the mother, now an rather old widow. This is in the EARLY 50's, as I was born in Nov 17,1953, and this was prehaps 1951. She told them the story of the family and the home. She did NOT tell them it came with a spook. Father never felt or say ANYTHING. he was as sensitive as a stone on all such matters. Mother was long experienced at having odd experiences, and was scoffed by dad as a loonie of some sort. Both my brother and I tend after mom in this regard, that we 'feel' things in certian areas or circumstances. Mother is even stronger. We did not know of these details of the house until years after our experiences, and tended to hide and be embarrissed about our impressions, being told by DAD they were silly emotional nonsense and immature hysterics. As he is now deceased I hope for his sake there is more to the notion of surviving death than that. Neither Joe (brother) nor I felt comfortable in the home when alone, esp. if in the attic or basement. We always felt like there was someone there, a odd presence which was not happy, and which gfelt decidedly strange. We both felt VERY uncomfortable in the house, and the worst of it was in the atic. We have found toys in the attic moved, or missing and turn up later. MOM however later on in life told us of other experiences, far more direct. She had also felt presence in the attic, and occasionally heard the distant sound of children or A child?) playing. At least once something STROKED HER HAND when there was nothing there- no bugs, cobwebs, clothes, or people. Spooked her indeed! Another time she heard a child crying, saying "no, no, I don't want to go, no, no...". No one in attic, house, or our yard- or ajacent yards. One fine morning in the front room (directly below, I noted years later, where she was horribly burned) I (age 9? 10?) came out and saw something lying on the living room floor. I flashed ona person lying there, horribly burned, and wigged out and hid IN the sofa, sobbing, scared blue. Father came out and dragged me out of it and FORCED me to view the terrible- clothes thrown on the floor late last night. NOTE that at this time I knew nothing of the home's history, or belived this to be real. In fact, until years later I belived all and any paranormal impression to be evidence of illness, and everyone knew you HAD to be ashamed of being nuts, even a little bit, so one simply did not discuss such matters. Nothing more was said until years later. In 1968 we sold the house and moved north (from Laurence harbor NJ to Lake Hopatcong NJ, closer to dad's work). She went up to the attic and said goodby, but there was no reply. We most certainly said NOTHING about the house or anything unusual happening in it. They were totally ignorant. Fast forward to 1974. We are about to move to St Petersburg (a suburb caLLED SEMINOLE), and are visiting our friends, the next door neibhors, the Clebacks. Great back yard party, the people who bought our house came over, BBQ, much fun. While mother is having a drink, the lady asks her 'did you ever notice anything unusual about the attic?' Mom puts the highball into low Earth orbit (most of it already being inside the pipe and on it's way) and after much coughing and gasping, askes EVER so innocently, (in FULL British accent)'Why whatever do you mean?" (maybe we're not drinning in a dry hole here gang?) It gets spookier. The lady says, "Well, john here (not true name) never noticed anything, but the boys feel uncomfortable up there, and we have found things moved, and I thought I heard a child crying, and something up there touched me." Mother at this point comes ever so delicately and properly unglued, and tells the story. At this time, I learned many thing I had not known previously. By all I adore, I sollomly swear and affirm that all this is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -Kirk D Bailey
Kirk Bailey <>
St Pete , FL USA - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 21:41:26 (EDT)

When I was in second grade my family moved into this on house.It was very scary looking,It had a huge yard a circle window onthe top of the house like there was an attic up there or somthing.About a year after we moved into the house my aunt and her children moved in with us her son move into the room next to my room and at night about 2:30am, I would here sombody knocking on my door and saying" Alison come here" and Would always igonor it. In the morning I would go to my cousent Kenny "what did you want last night?" Then he would say "What did I want ?" "What did you want?" He would tell me that he heard me knocking ans saying "kenny come here" That went on untill they moved out and took all there stuff with them and every thing stoped untill my mom got pregnant and my aunt gave her a rocking chair. Then it all started again my mom would here somthing in her walkin closet like russling papers and the back door would always open on its own and my mom would close it and lock it and she would go back in a hour or so and it would be open again. Then my grandma who can see and talk to spirits and papa steve came down from wisconson and she could tell that we had a spirit in our house she saw it when she was looking in the mirro but did'nt tell us untill my brother was born and he took my old room with the rocking chair in ti and I took my cousents room. When He was 2 years old he would wake up in the night and start to cry and scream He would say "the farmer man said he is going to take my animals to live on his farm than he gose in my closet.I would talk to him about it he said that the man had overalls on and was kinda blue ans you could see though him. My mom told my grandma and my grandma told my mom what she felt and what she saw.As we got older things got worst my grandma found out the spirits name it was oscer he had lived at my house and was a farm househe did very tragically and he took a liking to a piece of furniter and that he lives in my brothers room and that we had he said he like my father because he a hard worker like him. He also said he did'nt like me because I was too hyper and he was ok with my mom and brother. When we found that out we moved my brother out of that room and turned it to a storage room we put a cross on the door and hardly never went in there it was called "Oscer's room"As the years went on he got meaner to me he would though stuff at me when I was sleeping or when I was watching t.v. he would turn the channel or turn it off.Finally we started to build a new house and in 9 th grade we moved to a new house and broght all our furnater not thinking about what peice Oscer likes we put the rocking chair in our new basment and we started to hear noises ans the same stuff that happened at the old house happened here. So we took the rocking chair and sold it in a yard sale and now we live happy with out no spirits.
Alison Mann <>
Warren, Mi USA - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 11:09:13 (EDT)

My brother was killed on a motorcycle two years ago August and my dad died in April of cancer. I always dream of them as if they were still here but the thing about it is that they still are here we can only seee them in our dreams. Right before my dad died he was not able to eat food at all and we didn't know why. The hospital was treating him for constipation for no apparent reason. After he was gone I had the dream that he wanted me to cook him something to eat. I knew that he was dead and I couldn't figure out why he needed food. So I cooked him a meal and he ate it. In my dream he ate the whole meal and it was like it time paused and it had to happen all over agian so he could get all of the meals he missed out on when he was alive. But this happened several times before I woke up. Each time wanting a different foods.
Michelle <>
Banning, Ca USA - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 21:22:09 (EDT)

Sure there such things as real ghosts, but they are also known as spirits. I had a brother who died two years ago this August on a motorcycle and my dad just died of cancer in April of this year. The week before my brother died we went to the beach and brought home some crushed sea shells from the beach. The day he died my dad was on the phone telling someone about the accident and crying, a picture of my brother flew accross the room and hit my dad in the back and he stopped crying. He said he knew it was my brother telling him not to cry for him. The same day the sea shells were still sitting in the kitchen drying out and just flew all over the kitchen and there was no way that they could have fallen by themselves. Ghosts are not to be feared the were just like us at one time too. .
Michelle <>
Banning, Ca USA - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 21:05:04 (EDT)

A long time ago when I was about four years old I kept having the same strange dream over and over for what seemed months! The dream goes like this, I will be swimming in a hotsprings all alone in the pitch black night not being able to see much because steam is coming from the hot water. I make out a tall black figure past the mists of the pool just staring at me the whole time un moving. In my dream all I see is a tall black figure but when I wake up I start moving uncontrollebly like I'm swimming for a few seconds on my bed. I turn around and see the same man from the dream just staring blankly at me. He has light brown hair, a beard and the haunting eyes. Since I was four at the time these very strange dreams were going on I didn't know about ghosts and goblins, so every night( its about three in the morning) I say "Daddy Daddy" to the srange almost trasparent figure beside my bed. There is no reply. The man or what ever it is doen't move or talk just stars at me for hours almost like hes looking right through my body. These dreams went on for months but soon I grew out of them. Its just those dead haunting eyes that seem to pierce right through my soul that even today, I'm 12 sends a chill down my spine. I still have a perfect rememberence of the dreams, I just can't forget.....
Stephanie Warner <Gerry warner>
Kimberley, B.C canada - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 12:34:45 (EDT)

I've never had a real life ghost experience of my own, but i have believed in and have been intrigued by ghosts and the stories surrounding them all my life. I currently attend Plymouth State College as a junior, which is located in central New Hampshire. New England is a region with quite a history, and is very well known for ghost stories. Anyways, on the campus of Plymouth State lie some very old dormitories. The one particular to this story is Mary Lyons, which for many years was strictly an all girls dorm. Just this year recently it was opened up as a coed dorm, due to the need for housing room for students on campus. When i was a freshman, i had quite a few friends who lived over at the Mary Lyons dorm (it was still an all girls dorm at this time), and had heard many ghost stories associated with this particular dorm. They all sound very cool and creepy, and I was hoping to run into a real life ghost on one of my visits there. On one night, I was over at Mary Lyons visiting my friend Jenn whom had graduated from the same high school as me, and her roommate Holly. At one point during our conversation, Holly stepped out of her room (which was located on the second floor, if my memory doesn't fail me) to go to the bathroom. Jenn and I continued our conversation, but stopped short when we both heard someone scream, and come running down the hallway. Jenn and I were both perplexed as Holly came barreling back into the room. She was both excited and scared at the same time. Jenn and I both inquired what had happened, and Holly explained. She had walked into the bathroom, and was about to walk into an open stall. Just as she was about to enter, the door to the stall slammed shut all by itself. Holly darted out of there in the drop of a dime, and had recalled that there was no one else in there. There were no windows in the bathroom either, so there was no way a gust of wind could blow the door shut. Since none of us had an explanation, we all agreed that it must have been one of the many ghosts associated with Mary Lyons dorm. It was quite thrilling to me, and maybe some day i'll have that ghostly encounter that i've always wanted 2 have.
Robert J. Lalime <>
Nashua, NH USA - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 18:45:56 (EDT)

have felt and seen many weird things in my life. The first ghost I remember was when I was about 3-4 years old. I was sleeping in my bed when for some reason I sat up awake. I saw a "cowboy". He was wearing a western shirt jeans and a neckkercheif. I remember talking to him and was not afraid at all. I don't remember what we talked about. I next remember my mother coming into my bedroom. She looked at me and said, "Stacey, who are you talking to?" I remember saying, "the cowboy". She smiled and said, "you were just dreaming". She came over to the bed and tucked me back in. She kissed me on the forehead and left my bedroom. The next day my mother asked me who I had been talking to last night. I immediately told her again, "the cowboy". I told her what he was wearing and that he did n't have some of his fingers. She looked at me stangely, but didn't say anything else. Years later when I was much older, my mother asked me again about if I remembered "the cowboy". I told her that I remembered it vaguely. She reminded me about it and it came back to me very clear to me. She told me that she remembered going into my room and asking me who I was talking to. She said that i was sitting up in bed, facing the foot of the bed. I told her I remembered that. She then told me something that she had never told me before. She said that she was up watching "Johnny Carson" My dad was working late as usual. She said she heard some noise coming from my room. She told me she went to my room and saw me sitting up in bed. She asked me who I was talking to. She said that I said, "the cowboy". My mom said that she just thought it was me dreaming and tucked me back into bed and told me to got to sleep. She said that she went back out to the livingroom to watch TV. She said that our little black fox terrier dog, Shadow, was sitting next to her on the couch when suddenly, Shadow started growling and the hair on his back was bristling. She said that usually when Shadow heard someone or something outside, he would run to the door and bark at the door until stopped or he got bored. This time was different. Shadow just sat there growling. My mom said that she just thought it was some drunks again walking down the alley, since there was a bar nearby. She got up to open the door and look out. She opened the front door and standing on the closed-in porch was a man. She said he was looking out at the street and was facing away from her. She said that she saw he had a western shirt on, jeans, a red neckkerchief and on his right hand, he was missing 3 fingers. My mother said that she quickly shut the door and stayed next to Shadow until my dad got home. She said that she didn't know what to think, but knew that was a living person. She said that she asked me to describe "the cowboy" at breakfast the next morning. She said that I described the same person she had seen that night before. My mother wasn't very sure of whether ghosts exist or not before that. My mother added that she later asked the landlord who had lived in the home previously. He stated to her that the only previous occupant was the man who built and lived in the home until his death, about a year before. He had told my mother that the house had been vacant until our moving in a few months before. My mother said that she asked him to describe the man that had lived there before. She said that he called him "a cowboy", that he had been an old cowhand most of his life working in the riverton, wyoming area all his life. He described him as a rough, tough kind of guy that had lived a hard life. My mom said that at one point of the description, the man said, "and ya know, he was missin' 3 fingers on his right hand". I asked my mother if she had told him of the encounter. She just laughed and said, "of course not, he would've thought I was crazy or something".
laramie , wy USA - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 16:43:58 (EDT)

A Halloween Fable

I am a coal-black cat and October is my favorite month. I love the flaming trees and the leaves that fall, swirling and dancing in the wind. I love the scratching sound they make as they blow along the ground. The tangy, smokey smell of piles of decaying leaves make my nose twitch with pleasure. I spend all afternoon jumping into the spicy , crackling piles, making the leaves fly into the air , and sometimes finding my friends the woodmouse, the mole and the cricket hiding there. We run together across the fields and find still more hillocks of leaves to jump and hide in. By the end of the day, my whiskers are full of spiderwebs and pieces of dried leaves and old weeds are clinging to my fur. My friends mouse and mole are looking for a soft bed for the night, cricket is singing , leaning against an old cornstalk, a pale harvest moon is rising. I am a happy cat.

As I wander slowly home through fields and gardens, I watch the moon riding through torn fragments of clouds that cover and uncover the sky like a curtain. The wind comes up, moaning around houses and chimneys, pushing and pulling the ragged clouds.

This is the best part - a bright shadow darts across a black chimney and a soft sigh reaches my ear. Not the wind this time. Another bright form moves against a dark treetop and a tinkle of laughter lingers in the wind. TheyÃre here! Dark figures dance across the moon and their song fills the October night. Couples glide by me, and I catch their muted speech. I see a child pulled along on the string of a bright balloon, an old lady waving her umbrella, an old man followed by his little dog. The old lady and the old man are humming a tune, a happy tune.

The whole sky is filled with bright forms like clouds, their eyes points of starlight, their voices the music of the spheres. Some are far away, some just above my head, some touch my fur gently as they pass by. The people of the air are back with us for this one night!

Lights are coming on in the village. I hear faint laughter and from the windows I see people gathered around their tables. The scent of hearth fires and of food cooking reaches my nose and I begin to run towards home. The moon is lighting my path. Orange pumpkins are glowing on people's doorsteps. I am a coal-black cat and I am part of this night.

This is the day I wait for all year long, the last day of October, a day of magic when everything that was lost is found - I am a black cat and this is Halloween!

(Told by a friend) Patricia,
patricia <>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, October 06, 1999 at 21:12:17 (EDT)

There was this one time when I lived in an old house in Auburn, NY I had a run-in with something abnormal. It was late and I can home upset about something. I came in the house and went straight to my bedroom and shut the door (it latched). As I laid there crying in my bed (with my back to the door) I heard the door open, as I turned to see who it was, I only saw a shawdow in the distance. I got up to follow it around the hall corner. As I wandered down the hall I could not see anything, but definetly felt a presence. I thought it was my Dad, so I called out to him. No one answered. I turned on the light and after some investigating realized no one was there...My Dad was not even home! Surprisingly, I was not scared but felt comforted. What or whom it was, just tried to comfort me - I think. Very wierd , but pretty cool too!
Jennifer Grotke <>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 09:20:36 (EDT)

It's too scary for words....^^OO^^
New Nitwit
Transylvania, Pa USA - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 13:57:36 (EST)

Morbid of Old Witch Castle

Once upon a time there was an old dreery house in Salem "the cute little witch town" in which, this house is far from the ordinary. I am a Catholic priest, I get the opportunity to burn witches,vampires,Sorcerers,wizards,anyone who is Satanic or pagan,those who practice witchery or anything of that nature. Believe me I dont enjoy doing it but I have to or the sheriff will be in for me. I was in the middle of a strange dream, a vision really. I was in the Church kneeling beside Mother Mary's naked feet and then it happened the vision I was to protake. Three women I have seen before and yet I shall see again. They were quite peasant like but verry beautiful.They looked as though they were prostetutes but right now I cant tell. They were running as if hiding from someone or something. The red headed woman fell clumsly over a tree stump. Her green polyester dress spred above her leg showing a verry unusual birth mark, which only meant one thing those women were witches. The brunette and the blond(the other two girls) Helped her back up and darted off into the woods.When they got in there they put thier hoods that was attached to thier shawl on thier long haired heads. Then the blond brought over the potato sac, the one I payed no attention to and brought out a Magick book, a deck of tarot cards and a crystal ball and put it on a small table. The blond girl put it right in front of the red haired girl. "Alright Jenna Thee speak the words."said the brunette. Jenna replied,"Gwen(blond) Bethany(brown) this is it."

The two nodded. Jenna's lips began speaking in toungues the other two girls began chanting. She looked in the crystal ball. She lifted her cat like green eyes my direction and then my vision ended. I thought about the beautiful girls in the forest and then looked at the statue of Mother Mary. I thought about the gloomy house where the witches stayed and am determened to seek it. I said "God remain with me" I heard a voice in my mind "Go on then" Happily I said "That I shall!" and I left the church.God was leading me in the right direction to that gloomy old house, the one in my vision.I put my brown hood over my head and knocked on the door no one answered so I went in. Bethany was buisy with some man on the couch and didnt hear the door.Gwen was buisy rattling some pots and pans and couldn't hear the door. Jenna was buisy upstairs reading her book entitled "How to be a perfect witch". She was so intellectual in her reading she thought she heard the door but wasnt sure. "Bethany? Did ye her the door?"Jenna yelled downstairs.All Jenna heard was a scream. "Oh no,not again Bethany!" Jenna angrily hopped of the bed and went downstairs in her living room all she saw was her arrogant sister on the couch and me that just came in her doorway. She saw my robe and asked"What are ye doing here?" I said "Ye has the mark, all of ye and must be burned at the stake!" Gwen handled a knife with a sharp blade slit her wrist and died. The other two girls were burned at the stake, but I would never forget Bethany's dying words,"We'll be back for thee,you have not yet begun to see the end of Bethany and Jenna frazier. We'll get thee just like ye got us and that is a promise................
Rachel <>
Kill Devil Hills, NC USA - Saturday, November 07, 1998 at 09:12:35 (EST)

I rescued a beautiful gray cat, Tom, on a bridge. Our bond was immediate, and he lived with us for several years. He followed me everywhere, stretched out to sleep on me at night, and talked to me when I came home from work. An evil serpent killed him. Tom's death mask was one of surprised bewilderment. I knew he had not intended to leave us so soon, and he began returning in dreams. That wasn't enough for either of us, and his sad and wandering spirit found a lost black cat and like a hermit crab, moved in. Blackie would come at dusk, and sit on Tom's grave, then call to me. For months, at suppertime, he would arrive, but never eat. All he wanted was to be petted. And he sighed and cried. Eventually the two spirits were able to live together, and while Tom's requires daily stroking--he calls to me no matter what room I'm in, Blackie's allows him to eat and grow silky fur from his formerly emaciated body. I told him (them) to be careful on Saturday, because it is halloween.
Linda <>
Charlotte Harbor, FL USA - Friday, October 30, 1998 at 22:39:52 (EST)

One day when i was out playing basketball a friend of mine ( a graveyard fanatic ) brought a tombstone he had stolen to my house it was huge. He asked me to to hold on to it for a while for him. I didn't mind because at the time i didn't believe in ghosts. A couple of nights later when i was sleeping I was awakened by a door creaking, my door creaking. I opened my eyes and saw a black shadow standing right beside me. It was about 6 ft tall. It raised its hands as if to harm me. I closed my eyes tight as possible next thing I knew it was gone. The next day i gave it back to my old friend. Two days later I went to his funeral. He had died in his sleep of a heart attack. I don't believe that for one minute. He was a perfectly healthy 19 yearold boy. I think the spirit of the tombstone was angry that his tombstone was stolen and got his revenge. Believe what you will but to this day i still think it was the black shadow spirit that killed him...
Andrew Lorenzo 
Andover, NJ USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 16:34:44 (EDT)

When I was little I used to think that I saw phantom hands coming out of the walls of my house. They were very see through and looked to be made of a shiny marbelized, multi-colored substance. They would appear everywhere and without notice. No one else ever saw them and they did not scare me. My sister told me that she had read that children could see things adults could not.

Also, I had a bedroom with 4 windows, 2 in the front and 2 on the side. The one window on the left hand side in the front of the house would open on its own, even when no one was home and the window was left locked. This also happened with a kitchen window. This occured up until I moved away when I was older and the kitchen window still does open.

Could anyone explain this?
CA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 02:52:17 (EDT)

When I used to live in Ontario, my mom told me that some guy had hung himself in our basement (which was true). Every time we tried to paint the basement the paint over one particular spot in the corner would dissappear and leave an unpainted spot which looked slightly human.
Paul Wilford <>
Ladysmith, B.C. Canada - Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 11:16:30 (EST)

One Stormy night along time ago when I was a young lad, on the farm. The family was sleeping and all of a sudden we heard a strange noise like a slamming noise down stairs in the living room. My mother and I ran down stairs to see the rocking chair violently rocking! We turned on the lights and as we did so the chair slowed down rocking untill it stoped. Six months before this my grandfather died but before he died he told us he would return for one last visit before moving on to the next level.

The rocking chair that was rocking was his favorite chair!

The end
Walter J Fleming <>
Chilliwack, b.c. Canada - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 23:38:26 (EST)

A Ghost Tail

When I was little, I was walking up a flight of stairs in an old farmhouse in the country one evening. As I was halfway up the stairs, and could just see over the top step into the room I was heading towards, I saw a dog's tail moving across the room. Thinking this tail belonged to one of the dogs living in the farmhouse, I happily scrambled up the remaining steps. When I reached the top of the staircase, I saw that it was only a dog-tail which was moving across the room! There was no dog attached! I screamed and began to cry, and everyone came running to see, but I don't think anyone believed me.
Ted <>
Woburn, MA USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 11:59:31 (EST)

we saw a ghost walk across a flowing river,really!
razz <razz>
sardis, bc canada - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 21:48:50 (EST)

While taking care of a friend's apartment once, in an old riverside building, I came home one afternoon to find the door to his bedroom (which I never used--I spent my nights in the guest bedroom) ajar. When I opened the door, I found a large framed print of his smashed face up on the floor next to the bed. I looked at the wall and saw that the tall antique vase and the small wooden schooldesk which were directly in front of where it had hung were undisturbed. It was impossible for the picture to have fallen onto the floor where it did--someone or something would have had to take the picture off the wall, walk four feet and drop it to the floor. But my friend Don was in Europe, and I had the only key.

He later told me that a friend of his had seen a "gray lady" in a long black dress in the doorway of Don's bedroom once, shaking her head as if to say "You shouldn't be in here." Don had never seen her himself but he believed she lived there, and had lived there for years.
David Demchuk <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 08:23:10 (EST)

Shortly after Tom the cat was killed by a rattlesnack, a large black cat showed up and sat on Tom's grave. He came (comes) every night at 5:30, about the time that Tom was hit (we think) and wants me to pet him. Tom had followed me everywhere--was the first cat that was "mine." Blackie wasn't interested in food, but just in having me meet him at his prearranged spot in the yard. He finds me at night when I am working in my office and calls from outside the window until I come out and pet him. Draw your own conclusions folks, but I have drawn mine.
freaked <>
ghosttown, USA - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 20:09:54 (EDT)

Once I had a scaaary brother, who told scaaary stories to me. A particularly scaaary story was about THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM!!! It was so scaaary that I blocked it out and can't really remember anything except for the phrase THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM!!! Which is scaaary enough as it is.

The end.
Scabbigail <>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 17:59:55 (EDT)

many times upon a time, in the deepest darkest hours of the night, strange visitations and unusually eerie circumstances have led me to believe in ghosts and the supernatural. i have oft been awoke from sleep by an intense presence of EVIL hovering over me, freezing me into a state of immobility and terror. this dark shape stops ... stays ... stares ... as i lay petrified with my silent scream. it NEVER is a dream. it ALWAYS is a real presence. demonic does not even begin to describe its character and demeanor. and then, its gone ... probably to your home ... probably to your bedside ... probably to your soul ... hopefully NEVER to return ...
baron alphonso von janikstwysczski <>
som-som-som-somerville, ma USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 09:00:28 (EDT)

Once, after a friend died, I was visited his spirit in a strange way. A bag of potato chips suddenly stood upright, then flipped over. All the windows were closed, and no one else was around. There were no drafts. He had visited a few weeks before his death...
Christopher Grotke <>
Somerville, MA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 00:34:00 (EDT)

Once, while I was working in an old building, I went into an unused section of the place in search of a coworker. No one was there, but ahead of me, i saw a robed figure walk into a small room. I figured it was something explainable, so I went to investigate. I couldn't find anything. (The building was on the site of an old nunnery...)
Anonymous <unlisted>
Oberlin, OH USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 01:45:56 (EDT)

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